On Monday, 26 June, the Supreme Court officially denied the petition for a write of certiorari. The Ninth Circuit denial of Second Amendment rights outside the home will stand.
In July, 2016, the number of concealed carry permits in the United States was over 14.5 million. The number was growing rapidly during the election year. It is now over 15 million, and likely much higher. A few states require a permit for both open and concealed carry.
I think Trump will be good for America for a number of reasons, but when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, I truly believe that the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton has all but saved it from extinction. Or rather, saved patriots from having to literally fight for the right.
Democrat, gun control advocate and former Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Kathleen Kane thought she was above it all while she jerked around the citizenry, shredding our rights and abusing her office.
The National Park Service is giving bad legal advice to people who visit their web page and attempt to find out about firearms policy at various national parks.
In only the latest display of gun control zealotry, gun hating Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring has unilaterally revoked the concealed carry reciprocity agreements Virginia had with 25 states.