Kassy Dillon and Tony Oliva of Lone Conservative and Bullets First respectively sit down with Gun for Hire Radio to discuss, dissect and dismantle the Leftist Progressive plague that has run amok in America and on our campuses. Gun for Hire Broadcast 351
Legislators in Tennessee have re-introduced bills in the House and Senate to prohibit state or local governments from using funds or personnel to implement or enforce any federal or international regulation of guns, ammunition, or accessories. The bill is the same as one introduced in 2017.
The New Hampshire legislature has passed permitless “Constitutional carry” both of the last two years. Both times the bill was vetoed by Democrat governor Maggie Hassan.
Gun free zones attract criminals like flames attract moths. Time and again we have seen people led like lambs to the slaughter, unable to defend themselves because of some asinine notion that a sign that says “No Guns Allowed” will do ANYTHING but stop law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.
On 14 December, 2016, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court ruling in Silvester v. Harris. The Ninth Circuit held that a 10 day waiting period was a “reasonable safety precaution”.
Portilla, for two years has single handedly blocked campus and open carry from becoming the law of the Sunshine State even though the State Senate is overwhelmingly pro gun.
In 2014, Guam passed a shall issue concealed carry bill to reform the existing “may issue” law. The chief proponent of the bill was Senator Anthony Ada. Senator Ada said that one of the reasons he pushed for the passage of the reform was the Peruta case in the Ninth Circuit.
The measure was overwhelming approved and the United Colonies of America officially became known as the United States of America. Colonies implied that they belonged to another nation or political body whereas States implied an independence free from the political control of another foreign power.
University of Texas professors Mia Carter, Jennifer Glass and Lisa Moore decided to try and squash the will of the people and the Constitution by suing the University and the state of Texas in Federal court.
A few weeks ago, SB2524 passed the Arizona legislature. If it had become law, and another state agreed to the compact, it would have prevented Arizona from enacting firearm transfer requirements that are more restrictive than federal law. Yesterday, 10 May, Governor Ducey vetoed the bill.
By exploiting the death of children and misrepresenting the truth Bloomberg has had a few victories in places like Oregon where he convinced enough people to vote FOR laws that denied THEIR rights.
With the recent attack in Paris by terrorists posing as Syrian refugees, one would think a moment might be taken to reconsider allowing tens of thousands of so called “refugees” to come flooding into this country without any type of tracking system set in place. Obama chooses to focus on attacking the 2nd Amendment.