The idea that the Left is Tolerant is a lie. I use the term Left to encapsulate progressives, social justice warriors, anti-capitalists etc. It is a great big lie that has been told over and over again with such vehemence that a lot of people accept it as being true. The Left is tolerant of peoples opinions…so long as those opinions agree with the agenda of the Left. If not they will try and intimidate you by harassment, bullying, violence or trying to shout you down when you try to make a point.
Finally some hard hitting proof by way of the Presidential Pardons showing that progressive radicals like Obama, funded by foreigners like Soros, and backed up by billionaires like Bloomberg don’t give a rat’s ass about gun crime.
Snopes is the online “fact checking” site that many people turn to in order to find out whether things are true, urban legends, fake news and the like.
I wish I could say that I was the least bit surprised by this, but the moment I heard the premise for the film “Miss Sloane” I knew two things. First, the public does not agree agree with the radical gun control platform of Hollywood and as such are not going to be spending money to be indoctrinated and brainwashed to think otherwise.
You may have been hearing a lot about “fake news” recently. This is mostly a ploy by whiny Hillary Clinton sore losers who can’t udnerstand why their candidate, who was absolutely awful, lost the campaign in such spectacular fashion. I mean, losing by 70+ electoral votes is a landslide.
The customers who Levi Strauss built his empire on were gold miners, lumberjacks, frontiersfolk and the like who knew to keep their powder dry and that a firearm was often the difference between life and death. Forgive the pun, but American exceptionalism, of which the right to keep and bear arms is practically woven into the very fabric of Levi Strauss’s company. Or at least it was.
Well, after gun controls 82 year battle to promote hearing loss in America, the National Firearms Act of 1934 might be getting a makeover thanks to a bill that was introduced last year and has languished under an Obama administration hell bent on infringing upon the 2nd Amendment whenever he has the opportunity.
I went to college and had professors try to demonize the Founding Fathers and try to overstate the impact of footnote characters in history because they were either black or a woman. Don’t get me wrong, there are powerful and awe inspiring people of color and women throughout America’s history but if we are being honest, Indepence, a new Nation, the Constitution etc was written by rich white land owning men. Deal with it. There is nothing wrong with it.
You may remember Sean Patrick Maloney as one of the ring leaders who orchestrated a sit-in on the floor of the Congress in order to try and bully the rest of Congress to rob you of your 2nd Amendment Rights.
What you may not recall is that Sean Patrick Maloney was complicit in the stalking, cat fishing and harassment of my sister-in law. To what ends I am not sure, perhaps to scare my sister-in-law to asking my brother to back out…you know, mafia type intimidation.
The National Park Service is giving bad legal advice to people who visit their web page and attempt to find out about firearms policy at various national parks.
The New York Times produced another hit piece on guns, pushing for some sort of general increase in the current infringements on the Second Amendment. The New York Times mis-characterized or left out important information in all cases they reported on.
With so much distortion of national history it will probably come as no surprise that gun controllers themselves are trying to rewrite their own history.
He found that parents in the ghettos where these killing occurred do not think that “gun control” is the answer to the problem.
Apparently, according to Hillary Clinton, Hillary is the biggest supporter of the 2nd Amendment that you could hope for. I nearly choked on my coffee. Let’s look at her claim.
The State has a constitutional mandate to protect the people of the state from lower level governments. City governments are creatures of the state. Democrat party power, voter fraud, and corrupt political machines, have always been concentrated in cities.
“I gave her a full charge of bear spray at about 25 feet. Her momentum carried her right through the orange mist and on me.”
A gun show in Wichita, Kansas, showed the disparity in Second Amendment supporters to those who seek a disarmed population. On the Saturday morning of 16th July, there were over 20 *vendors* who had rented tables for every protester.
While it is not yet complete, it appears that Katie Couric’s career is over, at least as a “respectable” journalist. Couric has been a reliably “progressive” advocate for decades. In this, she simply followed the career progression that has been common in the dominant media for 50 years.