One need look no further than the Colorado State Capitol to see why Democrats are ass backwards when it comes to the notion of guns. You see, in Colorado there is a law that permits employees to carry guns at their place of business. And Colorado lawmakers place of business happens to be the State Capitol.
“So we want to protect our military. We want to make our military stronger and better than it’s ever been,” Trump continued in the speech, in which he also renewed his call for allowing trained teachers and military retirees to carry concealed weapons in schools.
A standard ploy, so common it has become a joke is: “Its for the children”. This is used for every possible policy prescription. It is the standard call, and has become meaningless, because anything and everything can be construed as “for the children”.
The Supreme Court of the State of Illinois has ruled that a state ban on carrying guns within a 1,000 feet of a park is obviously unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because it “directly implicates the core right of self-defense”
There are two gun control bills (annual buyback and bump stock ban) being worked through while Christie is still in office because the NJ Reichstag thinks they are mild enough to get his endorsement but once he leaves office, then the REAL gun control begins.
In 2012, the Georgia Legislature passed a statute to prevent valuable firearms from being destroyed by police. Instead, the statue requires that firearms in possession of police, whether confiscated, seized, or otherwise acquired, be sold to legal dealers, with the proceeds to cover administrative costs. Anti gun Senators want them destroyed regardless.
Not only does the document lack any numbers for guns that were not traced, it conflates the numbers of traced guns with those of all confiscated guns.
The government of the District of Columbia has decided not to appeal the Circuit court decision in Wrenn v. D.C. A week ago the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that they would not rehear Wrenn v. D.C. en banc.
I love the city of Pittsburgh. But sometimes I wish it got it’s metaphorical head out of its own ass and took a lead from literally every surrounding part of Western Pennylvania. You know, the flag respecting, gun rights acknowledging, God fearing American part.
Their studies about suicides “caused” by firearms ownership, tend to be junk science. Consider a recent “study” published only with the American Public Health Association. It was done about suicides in Maryland. Maryland is densely populated, and has extremely strict gun control.
In order to apply for DACA you had to be under THRITY- ONE YEARS of age in 2012. That means that there are tens of thousands of illegal immigrants over 30 years old who are benefiting under DACA.
Here’s the quick history lesson for Labor Day. It was not unions that started any of the things I had mentioned a few lines ago. It was automobile pioneer, master of the assembly line and captain of industry Henry Ford who created all those notions that unions and their mouthpieces want to take credit for.
John McEnroe was giving an interview and the topic of Serena Williams came up. Johnny Mac agrees completely that she is the best women’s player in the world. But the interviewer, Lulu Garcia-Navarro takes issue with the quantification of “best female” player and wants McEnroe to admit to her that Serena Williams is the best tennis player in the world bar none. That’s ridiculous and McEnroe didn’t have any problem saying so.
If the Democrats are feeling frustrated that Neil Gorsuch isn’t giving them any rope in which to hang himself with they really have no one to blame but themselves. First and foremost they can start with the former Senator from Massachusetts Ted Kennedy.
Ever since Donald Trump won the election I have been hearing about how the Russians hacked it. HOW exactly did the Russians “hack” our election? This video answers that question.
The bill “Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act of 2017”, would stifle innovation and experimentation, without impacting terrorists or criminals.
Why did the University of Massachusetts turn down the 4-H shooting sports program? According to UMass Spokesman Ed Blaguszewski said the school didn’t want to use limited funds on a ‘shooting sports’
USA Today and other liberal rags and media don’t want you to associate guns with lawful uses of defense so they twist and distort the facts…or outright lie in order to make the public at large associate anything to do with firearms as bad.