Posts in 'Reblogged'

A&E: Phil Robertson on hiatus after frank comments on homosexuality!

Every time Phil Robertson shows up for an interview he makes news: in an industry built on glitz and glamor, Phil has no facade. Duck Commander’s interview with GQ has made more news, and landed the patriarch in Duck Dynasty time-out. Phil quite openly told GQ that he could not imagine men enjoying intimacy with other men. And yes, he was quite plain-spoken, as always. When asked about sin Phil responded: Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong… Sin becomes fine. Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Of course GLAAD took immediate offense to Robertson’s statements and the organization’s Wilson Cruz noted: Phil and...

Gonzaga moves to expel students who stopped felon from murdering them – despite living off campus

    From Patriot News Update: Two Gonzaga students are facing possible expulsion from the University after they pulled a weapon in self defense as a six time felon attempted to get into their on campus apartment. According to the student handbook, students may not possess handguns on campus or university owned property. On Friday a university discipline board decided to move forward with sanctions, including possible expulsion, for using the weapons. Read more at Let me first say that the two students, Erik Fagan and Dan McIntosh, in my mind did everything right. The University on the other hand is really crapping the bed on this matter. And you may be surprised to know that the reason I believe so isn’t for the reason you may think. An anti gun, private University has the right to ban guns from their campus and their property.  It’s an idiotic and dangerous...

R.A.G.E – The best way to deal with bullying

          I read an article at  that dealt with an issue that has been in the news a lot recently, bullying.  Here is an excerpt: Here is what I’ve learned over the years about handling bullies from my brothers, my father, John Frycek and the bullies. And I’m grateful to them all and dad was right, I even made friends with some of them after we “settled” things. The best anti-bullying campaign is R-A-G-E! And it stands for: Readiness – You must be prepared to the best of your ability to defend yourself. This is half the deterrent already because bullies prey on the weak and the vulnerable. They look for an easy mark so don’t become one. Relying on a teacher, a principal or a parent to talk sense into a bully or his parents, will rarely work. There’s a reason that he’s a bully and,...

St. Helens School District erupts with common sense; Lifts ban on armed teachers

The St. Helens School Board in Oregon lifted a ban that had prevented teachers with concealed carry permits from carrying their guns on campus. School board chairman Marshall Porter said, “The current law in Oregon allows for anyone to concealed carry on school grounds. To exclude our staff seems like they’re being punished. They should have a right to protect themselves if they choose.” According to ABC News, the decision impacts seven schools within the St. Helens School District. This includes “two elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and three alternative schools.”     Read more at The school board voted four to one to allow teachers with concealed carry to keep their guns with them on campus. My question is what was that 1 nay voter thinking? If you have a Concealed Handgun License in Oregon then schools from K-12 have no legal right to bar...

And he who has no sword, let him sell his coat and buy one – Luke 22:36

  It makes for a rather fantastical tale — Indiana Pastor Carl Sanders walked into a Dollar General store to purchase Gatorade and found himself in the middle of a heist. The store seemed unusually quiet Friday night, Sanders told NBC local news affiliate WFIE. The Covenant Life Ministries preacher entered to witness a man in a bandana ordering the store clerk to hand over cash. The robber, later identified as 25-year-old Jermaine Dewayne Marshall, turned to Sanders with his hand wrapped in plastic. The concealed object was found to be only a spoon, however at the time, it was impossible to judge. – See more at: At that point the pastor pulled out his concealed firearm and ordered the would be robber to the ground where he remained until police arrived. The image of a gun slinging pastor may foster for some images of spaghetti westerns and Clint Eastwood but...

Playing with toy guns AT HOME gets 3 students yearlong suspension from school

From Political Outcast: The Virginia Beach City Public School district is saying that the students aren’t actually being expelled; they’re being given “long-term suspensions.” Whatever the case, the students won’t be allowed back to school for the rest of this semester and even until June of next year. There will be some hearing in January to decide if these students deserve longer-term suspensions. These “suspensions” were prompted by an incident a couple weeks ago when a few friends were playing with their airsoft plastic pellet guns in one of the boys’ front yards while they were waiting for the morning bus to come. A “concerned” neighbor called 911, even admitting to the operator that the guns were toys, but that they made her feel “uncomfortable.” Local news media reported that ironically, this concerned neighbor’s own son was among those kids playing in an airsoft gun war. That particular 911 call was made...

Gun Free Zones – The Den of Iniquity

After the Washington Navy Yard shootings two weeks ago, the gun control and background check issues have come up for discussion again, as has the idea of creating more gun-free zones. I don’t know how to break it to the anti-gun people, but it’ll never work to lower violence. Washington, D.C., Chicago and New York City have the most stringent gun-control laws in the nation, and yet they still have a huge number of gun-related incidents every year, by people who usually have possession of them illegally. But let’s look beyond gun-related crimes. How about violent crimes? A number of individuals in the anti-gun crowd tout the idea of being passive. In a study of rape cases, there was a 32% instance of successful rapes on women who were unarmed, and a 3% instance in women who were armed and defended themselves. Are those numbers counted in cases of...