Posts in 'Reblogged'

Gun Owners Make Good Neighbors

In an article written by our friend and colleague Tamara Jackson, Tami recounts growing up around guns and the kind of people gun owners tend to be. Not the sensationalized version that fearmongering gun control zealots like to portray but rather the “law-abiding, Constitution-loving, peaceful, give-the-shirt-off-their-back patriots.” The following was first published at ROBAR Guns: Remember the whimsical, lyrical words in call and response style from Barack Obama, “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion?” And of course his side-kick, Double-Ought Slow Joe reminded his bros in the black community, “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.” As we’ve seen with the recent church shooting in South Carolina, Obama never wastes an opportunity to jump on the gun-control wagon. But what’s missing from these accusations and stereotypes is the truth. The actual truth about the millions of Americans who shoot, who carry, and conceal...

Oregon Gun Grabbers Love a Bill that Only Infringes on Law-Abiding Oregonians

I love living in Pennsylvania. Even when my fellow Keystone Staters crap the bed and elect us a corrupt gun grabbing AG and a self professed anti gun Governor, for the most part PA comes through it on the right side of sings. The same cannot be said for my friend Tami Jackson and her home state of Oregon.  Not only are the politicians out there foaming at the mouth to infringe upon the peoples right to keep and bear arms but the people themselves are complicit in the injustice. From Tami’s latest article on the matter at Friends across the nation often ask me “How can you, a social and fiscal conservative, live in that dark blue state?” Simple: I was born in Salem, raised, for the most part, in Bend, Oregon, and this beautiful state is my home. By county and acres, Oregon remains mostly a...

Surprise Surprise, NY moves to ban gardening tools

In case you haven’t been paying attention for the past couple of years and missed me repeatedly say it, allow me once again to reiterate: Gun Control is not about guns, it’s about CONTROL. For those of you who may have doubted need look no further than the state that would be Empire, New York, which after its crusade against law abiding citizens who own guns aimed its controlling sights on law abiding citizens who own garden tools. From New York State Senator Tony Avella (D-Queens), the senator that effectively pushed through the unlawful SAFE Act in 2013 is now taking aim on machetes. “The fact that anyone can easily purchase this potentially lethal tool is just crazy,” he said. Yeah, it’s crazy to want to purchase something inexpensive to help clear out a path in the woods, isn’t it? New York has already banned smaller knives and...

But Gun Controllers Tell Me This NEVER Happens

Once again, a law abiding citizen with a gun stops a would be robber and the national press falls silent. Of course they have to stay silent.  They have been in bed with the gun controllers for so long that when something that has long been professed by the likes of Michael Bloomberg, Shannon Watts and Sarah Brady to be IMPOSSIBLE happens, they’d look pretty silly reporting on it and having to admit they were lying the whole time.  Hence why nearly every story about armed self defense is silenced unless it somehow benefits the gun control movements agenda (ie George Zimmerman). From A Kanawha County pharmacist shot and killed a masked, would-be robber who walked into his business Wednesday morning and pulled out a gun. Good Family Pharmacy employee Chris Monk said pharmacist Don Radcliff first attempted to “feel the guy out.” Monk said Radcliff pointed at the man,...

Towns Look To Secede From New York; Become Pennsylvanian

I don’t know if it’s possible but I wish all the luck to the 15 towns in Upstate New York that are looking to abandon the sinking ship that is the Empire State and find a home in the Keystone. Here’s a brief look at an article that covers the bases as to why these towns are looking to greener pastures: From Cuomo’s Fracking Ban Leads 15 Towns To Consider Seceding to Pennsylvania Governor Cuomo’s indecision on the fracking issue in New York led businesses to leave the state for years.  His recent ban will certainly do little to curtail the departure of those businesses. There’s an even more surprising migration being discussed because of the fracking ban, however – entire towns. Fifteen of them to be exact. Fifteen towns in the Upstate New York Towns Association are actively researching whether or not they can secede to Pennsylvania, in part due...

The Constitutional Carry Tide Keeps Rolling

Despite one of the most anti gun Presidents in our history at the helm, more and more states are poised to do away with the permit system for its citizens to carry firearms.  Currently 10% of states have laws enacting Constitutional Carry; the carrying of firearms without first coming to the government, hat in hand to ASK if its ok. That number could more than double by the end of the year with states currently debating and others on the precipice of introducing legislation constitutional carry laws. From Godfather Politics: Just when Barack Obama and his liberal tyrant friends have been pushing so hard to enact stricter anti-gun and Second Amendment defying laws, some states are looking to pass laws that would not require a special permit to carry a concealed weapon. Currently, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Vermont and Wyoming do not require any special permit to carry a concealed weapon....

Challenger “Touches the Face of God” January 28th 1986

I was just a kid in 1986 and space travel and astronauts was very exciting. I remember watching the Challenger exploding and my young eyes not really believing what I was seeing. Then the leader of our nation got on television and put into words what a young heart couldn’t speak at the time.  Just 650 words, delivered in under 5 minutes comforted me and a grieving nation.  I consider myself lucky that the first President that I knew was Ronald Reagan…it is a pity that those who have followed him have been found wanting. The following article is from and goes into greater detail about the Challenger crash and the man who soothed a nations grief. Twenty-nine years ago today, January 28, 1986, the NASA Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger exploded and broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members...

Five Moments of Liberals Mocking Gun Owners via Foot in Mouth Idiocy

So as we near the end of the year it is no surprise that liberal gun grabbing zealots have said and done a lot of idiotic things to try and defend their losing arguments against the 2nd Amendment and those who believe in the right to keep and bear arms. But when it comes down to it, what the liberal gun control crowd really does with their hyperbolic blathering is reveal just how ignorant, intolerant and hateful they are. Our Friends at has come up with a list of some of the most outrageous things muttered by rabid, mouth breathing gun controllers this year. In short order: Washington DC Police Employee Claims Second Amendment Was only for ‘When the British Were Coming’ Hillary Clinton Says Gun Owners ‘Terrorize the Majority of People’ New York Daily News Calls Second Amendment Supporter a Gun Nut, Gun Worshiper, and Zealot for winning...

FSU Gun Free Zone Disarmed CCW Holder and Combat Army Veteran

Once again we see that Gun Free Zones do nothing to actually stop criminals with ill intent from shooting up a place.  The preponderance of examples of its utter failure has finally begun to sink in to the American consciousness and slowly but surely we are seeing places pull down those asinine signs.  One place that has been slow to adopt this sensible and logical approach is, ironically, schools of higher education. Oft times bastion of liberal academics who would place their own ideology over the safety of their students, they still erroneously cling to the idea that a 8×12 inch sign is going to stop a bad guy in his/her tracks. I thought these people were supposed to be educated. At Florida State University, a sign like that didn’t stop would be mass murderer from shooting up a library. Who it did stop was a couple of law...

More SAFE Act Nonsense: False statistics used to back bogus claims of success

Leave it to the liberal left to start spewing out statistics in order to promote what a “success” New York’s SAFE Act has been in reducing crime. There’s only one problem…the statistics cover the two years BEFORE the passing of the SAFE Act.  By that I mean that all the numbers that the gun grabbing zealots are crowing about occurred PRIOR to the civil rights infringing horror that is the SAFE Act. From Liberty Unyielding: First, the study is based on statistics collected duringthe years 2011 and 2012. The SAFE Act was passed in January 2013. Therefore, no matter what one’s feeling on Cuomo’s gun grab, there is no way of claiming the study is an endorsement of the SAFE Act, which didn’t take effect until after the study was published. Second, the gun violence study liberally draws statistics from suicides to inflate the researchers’ numbers. For example, the state with...

Ferguson Cop tells citizens: Arm up, we can’t protect you

As we wait for the grand jury’s decision in the case of the shooting of convenience store strong arm robber, Mike Brown, local police are doling out some common sense to the residents for  the potential fallout of the decision.  In the Cop Talk forum of, an officer from Ferguson had some sobering and frank advice to give to the residents of Ferguson. From Liberty Unyielding: According to Vocativ’s latest update, the “cop talk” forum, where a user who posts as a local policeman gave the warning, was taken offline on Monday evening. But before the site was taken down, Vocativ copied this from it: Under the name “A Concerned Cop,” one person shared a warning: “If you do not have a gun, get one and get one soon. We will not be able to protect you or your family. It will be your responsibility to protect them. Our gutless...

Ferguson Residents Turn To The 2nd Amendment To Protect Themselves

As was the intent of the Founding Fathers, the people and shop owners of Ferguson Missouri are exercising their God given rights to defend themselves which is causing a spike in gun sales. The law abiding people of the city have little faith that the police will be able to contain the crowd of rabid rioters who will explode onto the streets when they don’t hear what they want to with regards to the Grand Jury decision concerning Officer Darren Wilson’s fate.  Officer Wilson, as you may recall, shot dead convienince store robber Michael Brown when Brown attacked him through the window of his police cruiser. But, since Brown is black and Wilson is white, the race  baiters and Obama administration (redundant, I know) have poured fuel on the fire to make sure this is a matter of a black man being shot by a white man, not a...

Why you need a gun in college: NY pushes to welcome felons to college, no questions asked

NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is conducting the Political Correct Train all the way to Crazytown.  The AG has begun pressuring colleges around the state to stop asking if applicants have ever been arrested or convicted of a felony. Apparently, asking that question makes you a racist institution.  Because, why would a college possibly want to know if a convicted rapist was applying to their school?  According to Schneiderman that should not have any factor in the school’s decision making process.   Ironic that Schneiderman assumes that black people commit all the crimes and thereby in his rationale asking the question is detrimental to blacks.  That just makes it seem that Herr Schneiderman is a big ole closet racist. But I digress, our friends at Liberty Unyielding have dissected Schniderman’s stated stance: Meanwhile, Schneiderman claims that the question of whether one has been arrested or convicted of a crime...

Gun Control Can’t Stop Evil and Evil Exists

The fundamental flaw that has always plagued gun controllers is that they somehow believe that gun control will deter or stop criminals.  In truth it will only hamper the law abiding.  Evil, as it turns out, doesn’t give a hoot about laws or ethics or morality.  And have no doubt evil exists in the world in abundance. One need look no further than Scranton Pennsylvania and into the eyes of a demonic little 10 year old. From Liberty Unyielding: How unspeakable would a murder need to be in order for the assailant, aged 10, to be charged as an adult? Decide for yourself based on the facts, which are as follows: A boy, who can be described as the very least as having extreme anger issues, lost his temper with a 90-year-old woman. So he grabbed a cane, hooked it around her neck, and held her down as he beat her, ultimately crushing her trachea....

Just Because You’re A Black Teenager Doesn’t Mean You’re Innocent

Of course, it doesn’t mean you’re guilty either. But when you start a fight with an off duty cop, pull out a gun and shoot at him three times, you shouldn’t be surprised when you are shot dead.  Of course, leave it to the race baiters in St. Louis to once again cheer the criminal based solely on the color of his skin. From Liberty Unyielding: The officer approached a group of men. One of the men took off running, Dotson said, so the officer pursued. Dotson said the suspect approached the officer in an “aggressive” manner, with a physical altercation occurring. The man then turned and fired three rounds at the officer before his gun jammed, Dotson said. The officer, who was not injured, returned fire, shooting 17 times and fatally wounding the man, Dotson said. Police have not identified the officer or the man he killed. Not...

My “Violence Interrupter” is the gun on my hip

Leave it to New York City to once again have its head so far up its fourth point of contact that any crappy idea smells like roses to them. Mayor DeBlasio, taking over right where Bloomberg left off with crackpot ideas is spending nearly $13 million of taxpayer money on a “Gun Crisis Management System.” According to our friends at Liberty Unyielding: A key facet of the Mayor’s plan, backed by the City Council, are so-called “violence interrupters.” These interrupters will be seeded in high-crime police precincts to disrupt street crime before it reaches the point of a gun muzzle. This comes as the administration’s response to a 12 percent uptick in shootings this year in the City that Never Sleeps. The plan is based on the Cure Violence model, which is designed to treat gun violence as a health care issue. The cure proposed is to identify those...

Mom Passes the Buck to Homeowner When Her Criminal Son Gets Shot During Burglary

Another case of complete ineptitude on the behalf of a parent in never believing that THEIR child could do ANYTHING wrong so it must be the bad senior citizen whose house her son innocently tried to robs fault.  I try to steer away from blaming parents for the crimes of their children…sometimes kids are just bad, but when you attack a law abiding gun owning senior citizen because they protected their home after your son invaded it with malicious intent…then shame on you. From Liberty Unyielding: “Now, kids, remember: If you break into a private home and someone there is armed, you risk getting shot.” It’s not a typical piece of parental advice, but in view of the growing spate of home invasions by teenagers who end up on morgue slabs, maybe it’s high time it became one. The Merced (Calif.) Sun-Star identifies the most recent casualties as Steven Crider, 16,...

Veteran / Second Amendment Supporters Take Over Anti-Gun Rights Meeting!

Americans everywhere, Patriots who believe in the Constitution, are beginning to show signs of fighting for our inalienable Second Amendment rights. Here is a brilliant and inspiring example of We the People pushing back at the gun-grabbers. And though it took place in January 2013, the impact of the event is still being felt. Anne Sorock at Legal Insurrection writes: After enduring hours of derision and mockery by the panelists at a Chicago-area guns “forum” Sunday, one man in the audience stood up and addressed the crowd, identified himself as a veteran, and proceeded to give a straightforward but passionate defense of his support for the First and Second Amendments. The video is awesome! Veteran Kevin Tully had had enough. His fellow Patriots had had enough. Here is the more of the exchange:   Related articles [Watch] Veteran Shreds Smug Arrogant Libs in Gun Debate Video: Tax Tips for Veterans...