In an article written by our friend and colleague Tamara Jackson, Tami recounts growing up around guns and the kind of people gun owners tend to be. Not the sensationalized version that fearmongering gun control zealots like to portray but rather the “law-abiding, Constitution-loving, peaceful, give-the-shirt-off-their-back patriots.” The following was first published at ROBAR Guns: Remember the whimsical, lyrical words in call and response style from Barack Obama, “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion?” And of course his side-kick, Double-Ought Slow Joe reminded his bros in the black community, “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.” As we’ve seen with the recent church shooting in South Carolina, Obama never wastes an opportunity to jump on the gun-control wagon. But what’s missing from these accusations and stereotypes is the truth. The actual truth about the millions of Americans who shoot, who carry, and conceal...