Posts in 'Uncategorized'

Does tragedy actually help gun rights?

In much the same way that World War II got us out of the Depression, it is one of those things that is not wished for, yet the reality of it remains.  One should not seek out war in order to bolster a country’s economy, nor should one wish for tragedy in order to bolster their position. But the question remains, does tragedy benefit the pro gun crowd or the gun control zealots? If you listen to the liberal mainstream media you are inundated with the self righteous fervor of liberty hating dogma that states that “such and such tragedy” is proof that people cannot be responsible for their own well being and as such shouldn’t have the right to keep and bear arms. When it comes down to it, that is the only argument the gun control zealots believe in, because after all, they operable word is CONTROL,...

Guns don’t kill people…the Brady Campaign Against Women does.

According to Bob Costas (apparently a self appointed Svengali when it comes to guns) Javon Belcher and his girlfriend would still be alive if it weren’t for guns and America’s gun culture.  As I touched on yesterday, pointing to professional wrestler Chris Benoit’s double murder suicide in which he strangled his wife, suffocated their child and hung himself with a weight machine cord, this is not a certainty.  Gruesome, deadly and not a gun in sight. But let’s move away from Bob Costas’ ignorance and look at the many murders allowed to occur thanks to Sarah Brady and her zealous campaign against self defense.  I find it ironic that Sarah Brady holds such misogynistic views and how she condones the murder of innocent women. Sarah Brady and her cabal of freedom hating sycophants first proposed their Bill in 1987.  It took a couple years before it passed both houses of Congress and signed into...

When it rains blood runs in the streets?!?!

According to Bob Costas, Jason Whitlock and other gun control zealots, all the woes and evil that exists in the world begins and ends with the gun. First we have Jason Whitlock, who wrote an inane article blaming the “insanity” of our gun culture.  Yes, because apparently firearms all make us raving lunatics.  He writes: Our current gun culture simply ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy, and that more convenience-store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead. Hey Whitlock, here’s a revelation for you, BAD THINGS HAPPEN.  They happen because life is sometimes messy and violent and dangerous.  And no amount of gun control is going to change that.  The opposite is true in fact, more gun control equals more violence.  How do I know that? Because I can look to Chicagoand see blood actually running...

100 years of Gun Control…the Progressive’s “Long Con”

Socialist Progressive’s have patience, I’ll give them that, and it is that patience that has given them so many victories in their long con.  They are the architect masters of the slippery slope.  They are so good at what they do that for the past 100+ years they have continued to chip away at the Second Amendment, the only thing that truly keeps them at bay, and yet the majority of Americans think they have more gun rights than ever before. In fact, this past 100 years have crippled the 2nd Amendment to the point that it hardly resembles what our founding fathers intended.  Do you think that Adams and Jefferson, Franklin and Paine, Washington and Hancock, who had all resisted and fought against tyranny would actually require a free citizen to ask permission in order to exercise a right?  But yet, in most states that is exactly what is required if...

Federal Court Rules you do NOT have right to carry firearms

That’s right.  The 2nd and 4th Federal Court of Appeals have heard arguments dealing with the carrying of firearms outside of the home and one has ruled it is NOT a constitutionally guaranteed right. In both New York and Maryland, where the lawsuits were brought, the states have enacted draconian permit systems that favor the wealthy and well connected.  While the rest of us must ASK to exercise our constitutional right a la Oliver Twist. In Maryland, in order to be allowed to carry a weapon outside of your home you must provide the overlordsissuing authority with evidence to “verify threats occurring beyond their residence”.  Apparently, the state of Maryland only allows psychics to carry outside of the home.  Or maybe criminals in Maryland have begun to send their victims correspondences ahead of time.  I mean, it’s not like random crime ever happens in Baltimore. This requirement is not only unconstitutional but also bigoted and insulting.  In the eyes of...

Obama’s incarnation of Hitler’s Youth

Too often, debate in America seems to end with the rhetorical firebombing of one side (usually liberals) calling those that disagree with them Nazis or Hitler.  Ironic since Hitler and Nazis were socialists, but I digress. But sometimes, when the veil of hidden agendas is thin and something doesn’t stay under the radar, one can be amazed at just how similar the Obama Administration resembles the Third Reich. In this matter I am speaking specifically of Obama’s Youth Brigade, euphemistically called by the administration the FEMA Corp. Before we get into the FEMA Corp, let’s rundown the Hitler Youth group.  The HY were a paramilitary organization created by Adolf Hitler in 1922 comprising of German boys from the age of 14-18.  The HY was organized into local cells on a community level (Community Organizer…that sounds familiar).  Such cells had weekly meetings at which various Nazi doctrines were taught by adult HY leaders....

Gun owners face media lynching regardless of guilt or innocence

Once again the liberal press and gun control zealots are going out of their way to make criminals look like saints and victims look like monsters. This can be seen in the case of George Zimmerman who defended himself from a savage beating at the hands of Trayvon Martin.  The police on the scene, who witnessed first hand Zimmerman’s injuries, declared that he had acted in self defense and released him.  But when the press heard that a man named George Zimmerman had shot a black “kid” named Trayvon, they swooped in like media Valkyrie in order to paint this as a hate crime. I can all but guarantee you that if George Zimmerman used his mothers maiden name and went by Jorge Guiterrez (not sure of his mom’s Peruvian maiden name so just used that as an example) then this case would never have seen the light of day.  Plus, when it...

Kentucky flips the script on gun buyback programs & Heinlein views in Action

As you may recall, I have utter disdain for gun buyback programs.  With that being said I was greatly amused that the State of Kentucky has done a one-eighty on the idea and have begun a sell back program. The program has been in place for 15 years now and as you can imagine, the gun control zealots are still bemoaning the “inevitability” of blood running in the streets.  Even after a decade and a half of positive results, some are still criticizing the program such as Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney Rob Sanders. “In my experience, the guns that end up there are dangerous weapons, poorly made, often damaged or really don’t have value unless you’re looking for an inexpensive firearm.  And if you’re looking for a cheap gun, you’re usually up to no good.” Apparently Mr. Sanders doesn’t believe that poor people have a right to protect themselves and their...

How to Stop Obama’s Gun Control Agenda

Yesterday, I touched on the topic of some states passing the Firearms Freedom Act. Originally introduced and passed in Montana, the FFA declares that any firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states.  This is probably the best way to defeat Obama’s gun control agenda that we have at the present. So, in its purest form, without restriction, the FFA would allow a firearm that is built and kept within a state to remain un-infringed from gun control zealots and bureaucratic miasmas. The only reason the Federal Government can come up with to justify its jurisdiction over firearms in the first place is through the Commerce Clause, which allows them to regulate interstate trade.  The leap between regulating trade and infringing on the Second Amendment rights of Americans is a governmental overreach and is as insincere as it is cravenness. If every state were to...

How Obama Will Ban Guns without Congressional Approval

In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story “The Purloined Letter”, the criminal fools the police by hiding the stolen letter in plain sight.  While the police were expecting all these elaborate twists and turns, the thief just cleverly disguised his crime simply so that nearly none could deduce it. So too, does President Obama plan on banning guns in such an outright simple way.  And in so doing making it all the more nefarious. Will Obama try to continue to push for the UN Arms Trade Treaty that will cripple the industry and force a national firearms registration for all participants of said treaty?  Yes. Will Obama continue to pack the courts with militantly anti-gun judges?  Yes. But these are just misdirection.  Because, while Second Amendment activists can rouse the masses and fight against such moves by entreating our Senators against such madness, Obama will quietly be changing the rules to which...

Attorney Generals of the Gun Control Zealot Army

Apparently, Obama isn’t the only threat to the Second Amendment (no kidding right?).  As I wrote about last week with Pennsylvania’s Democrat AG-elect Kathleen Kane, Attorney Generals are given broad powers on the interpretation and implementation of gun related issues such as reciprocity agreements between states and how to interpret gun laws. While Kane seeks to undermine every reciprocity agreement on the books for Pennsylvania, Florida’s Republican Attorney General, Pamela Jo Bondi, seeks to harass law abiding citizens outright and make it as inconvenient and troublesome as possible to legally carry a concealed weapon. Florida is one of only six remaining states that do not allow the Open Carrying of Firearms so concealed carry is the only option. The case before the Florida Supreme Court, Mackey v State of Florida, is to determine whether an investigatory stop, and a search and seizure of a person suspected to be carrying a concealed firearm, is lawful. Bondi’s argument...

Philadelphia…a city of brotherly thugs

Oh Pennsylvania, what has happened to you?  Not only do we elect a Bloomberg backed anti gun zealot for Attorney General, you allow Philadelphia to be run by an incompetent moron who allows the continual harassment of law abiding citizens by over zealous and bullying cops.  Fitting that the Liberty Bell cracked in Philadelphia. First, lets talk about Kathleen G Kane.  The G, one could believe stands for “gun killing” since Kane seems hellbent on doing everything in her power to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment Rights of Pennsylvanians. Kane received a perfect score on CeaseFirePA’s questionnaire. For those outside of the state CeaseFirePA is basically a statewide version of the Brady Campaign who follow similar paths toward the infringements of rights of the populace.  In particular Kane has committed to a review of all concealed carry reciprocity agreements currently in place between Pennsylvania and other states,including Florida, and renegotiating or terminating those...

Don’t Mess With Texas

So Barack Obama won the election and a lot of states are calling for secession.  Usually I would take this in the same vein as someone saying “if the other guy wins, I’m moving to Canada”.  But this time, I thought I would take a deeper look into the matter. First of all, one must ask if secession is actually legal.  The answer, not only is it legal but it is plainly stated by the US Constitution as well as being out rightly encouraged by the Declaration of Independence. To wit: Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Declaration of Independence: That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to...

Barack Obama is a Fabian Socialist

What is a Fabian Socialist and what does it have to do with guns?  Good questions, the answer of which hearkens back to over 2300 years ago to the Roman Republic and General Fabius Maximus.  Seeing as it is Veterans Day I figured it’s as good a time as any to work in a war story. General Fabius earned the nickname Cuncator which is Latin for “the delayer” for his tactics used in the Second Punic War against Hannibal. After the disastrous battles for the Romans at Trebia and Lake Trasimene and the loss of two Consular Armies and Hannibal all but at the gates of Rome, the Romans elected Fabius as Dictator. Fabius employed a new strategy; understanding that the Carthaginians under Hannibal were a vastly superior fighting force opted not to meet them in pitched battle but rather keep his troops close and harry them as they went.  Small...

As Obama moves forward on gun control, States move to strengthen gun rights

Even before the Obama administration pulled back the curtain to reveal its anti-gun agenda to the naked light of day, individual states won victories and made moves in regards to the strengthening of gun rights. First, and probably most importantly, is the constitutional amendment that passed overwhelmingly on election day in Louisiana.  Constitutional Amendment 2 was a ballot measure to amend the state constitution, thereby strengthening it against against legislative infringements and activist judges who would seek undermine the inalienable right. A quick breakdown of the Amendment is as follows: PROPOSED CHANGE: The proposed amendment would add language to the Constitution that says the right to possess a weapon is a fundamental right in Louisiana and any restriction must pass a “strict scrutiny” judicial review. The amendment also would remove language from the Constitution that explicitly gives the Legislature the authority to pass laws restricting the right to carry a concealed weapon. A VOTE...

Obama moves forward with first gun control measure hours after election

That didn’t take too long.  Within hours of securing his second term as President, Obama moved forward to support renewing the debate over the UN Arms Trade Treaty.  By “renew debate” i mean that the only reason it had stalled in the first place was because Obama didn’t want to back it during an election year and now that the little hurdle of being re-elected has been cleared he doesn’t have to hedge his gun grabbing bets any more. An official at the US mission says all the right things to the press: “We will not accept any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of our citizens to bear arms.” Now, they can say that but it doesn’t make it true.  The Arms Act as it stands does the following: “The most recent draft treaty includes export/import controls that would require officials in an importing country to collect information on the...

Worse than Watergate, Obama deserves prison for Benghazi, not re-election

They say that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.  I tend to agree, but when you are covering up the murder of US Citizens in foreign country that you chose to let die due to political reasoning I tend to think the crime might be worse and the cover up just despicable. After sifting through a number of reports and peculiarities, I see now that this administration willfully and knowingly allowed US citizens to die at the hands of terrorist extremists in order to maintain the narrative that President Obama had made progress in Middle East relations.  Anything to the contrary at this time could possibly undermine his re-election campaign. The White House was not unaware of the danger that the Consulate or the Ambassador faced in Libya as the cables sent to Washington have been released, clearly stating that security was lacking, especially due to the increasing brazeness of Benghazi...

Happy Halloween

It’s Halloween…lets talk about things that go bump in the night and what you need to combat them. First, zombies. Either through voodoo, curses, drugs or virus, the zombie is a contagious, relentless being of insatiable hunger. Be it your brains or flesh they want to eat you and even if they are classic slow shuffling Romero zombies and not the updated “all zombies move like spider man and know kung fu”, they will overwhelm you with numbers and tireless forward progression. How to disable a zombie?  Easy enough, brain trauma.  Everything else on a zombie; organs, blood, eyes, etc are unnecessary for them to move and attack, but if you produce enough trauma to the brain they will cease to function. How do you go about doing that?  First and foremost a firearm is a good choice.  They can fire from a distance and limit the potential for exposure of...