Posts in 'Uncategorized'

If you are a gun owner at Bank of America…it’s time you left them

Bank of America has once again shown its hostility and disdain for the 2nd Amendment, its gun owner customers and for free enterprise.  I first reported a story last year about McMillan Co. which had their accounts closed by BoAbecause they branched out into firearms manufacturing. Well, apparently Bank of America has decided to double down on the harassment of gun manufacturers in an attempt to dictate how they should operate their business and what that business should entail. Bank of America business customer American Spirit Arms discovered that during a sales rush in December, BoA decided to freeze their accounts and effectively hamstring the gun manufacturer. Owner of American Spirit Arms, Joe Sirochman recounts his discussion with the bank after he inquires about the frozen funds: “After countless hours on the phone with Bank of America, I finally got a manager in the right department that told me the reason that the...

Connecticut seeks law to ostracize gun owners

In the wake of liberal rag The Journal News crusade to try and intimidate and harass law abiding gun owners in New York, Connecticut lawmakers are looking to follow suit. Democrat State Rep. Stephen Dargan has introduced legislation that would reverse a 20 year old law barring the release of 170,000 CT firearm owners home information to the public.  Dargan has tried to spin this as not pitting pro gun vs anti gun people but rather ““to get a broader discussion going on gun issues and mental health in the state.” My question, is how does this legislation actually HELP anything?  How does it decrease crime?  How does it lessen the likelihood of a school shooting?  How does it do ANYTHING other than try and ostracize gun owners and put non gun owners on criminal wish lists? Oh yeah…this isn’t only an attack on gun owners, but it also makes it easier for criminals to target...

Can’t define it with words? Use a picture book

Apparently, the gun grabbing zealots are a lot like the layman art critic who says, “I don’t know art, but I know what I like”.  Only in this version it’s, “I don’t know guns, but if they are black and scary then I want them banned”. I am speaking of the grabbers long cherished boogeyman, the so called “assault weapon”.  Why do I use the term “so called”?  Because if you ask a dozen rabid mouth foaming gun control zealots to define what an assault weapon is, after they inundate you with the vitriol of why you don’t need them and nonsense like the founders only intending you to have muskets, chances are you will get a dozen different answers. You see, when the grabbers decided to come up with this spooky term, it was enough just to point to any black gun and say, assault weapon.  Mainstream America...

School’s back…but what has changed?

Today marks the first day back for students and faculty of Sandy Hook Elementary after a lunatic murdered 20 children and six adults.  They are holding the classes in another building seven miles away from where the massacre took place. That is one difference.  But I was wondering, with all this agenda driven, gun control hysteria that’s being stoked by the likes of Sen. Feinstein and Pres. Obama  what has actually been done to make these children safer? I mean, if the gun control zealots are going to exploit the deaths of 26 people for their own agenda you’d think they would offer up solutions that would have stopped the massacre in the first place. Of course, since the majority of the gun control measures proposed were all ready in place in CT, that just means that the gun grabbers don’t have a solution and would prefer to capitalize...

Voice your disapproval with your wallet

Much like your average politician, many businesses are spineless craven entities that have little backbone and will only do what is in their best interest at a given moment. Then there are true believers.  Politicians and businesses and voices that will stand up for what they believe in all the time, regardless of backlash, political expediency, or loss of revenue.  These latter true believers should not only be admired but also supported. Being principled is a difficult road to travel. That is why we must support principled politicians who have always stood strong by the 2nd Amendment as well as businesses who will not cave under the sensationalized media hysteria and astro turf activism by liberty hating gun grabbers That is why stores like Dick’s Sporting Goods should be avoided.  Not only have they ceased selling sporting rifles but they have gone so far as to not honor the sales...

How my 1 year old nephew reminded me of gun control zealots

While spending Christmas with family I had the chance to observe my nephew (who is 11 months old) at play.  Watching him reminded me of the maturity level and well versed opinions of the majority of gun control zealots. We were playing with blocks and all he wanted to knock down the towers no matter how well they were made or how strong their foundation.  He just didn’t like the look of any tower that was made by his mom or me and as such he dictated that they must be utterly destroyed. Much like the rabid gun control zealots like Dianne Feinstein.  She wants to ban all guns, regardless of the constitutional protections provided, based on her own sense of being the center of the universe and the fact that she doesn’t like the look of them, much like my young nephew.  At least he’s under a year old and has...

Talk about a strawman

We often hear about “strawman” purchases when gun control is discussed but what about the strawman arguments that the gun control crowd likes to put forth. Basically, the gun control zealots prefer to use the gun as the strawman and not the root of the problem.  Often times it is mental illness.  The state of mental illness treatment in America is appalling and until we get a handle on that, tragedies will continue to happen regardless of what gun control measures are passed. Crazy guy on a subway platform pushes people on the tracks in front of an oncoming train. Knife rampage by someone suffering a psychotic break. Social outcast makes bomb out of fertilizer and household project and detonates in a crowd. These things can and have happened and will continue to happen unless our country wants to come together and pass some real solutions to violence in America. Why isn’t there a registry...

Merry Christmas

Dear Friends, Grant me the opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas.  Beyond the gift giving and the stockings stuffed with care, let us take this time to be good to one another and embrace the spirit of the holiday.  Peace on Earth, good will toward your fellow man. And let us keep in our hearts those who will be far from home this Christmas.  Soliders and sailors and Marines who are on duty, with rifle in hand, willing to do violence on our behalf so that we may celebrate with our families in peace. In this upcoming year let us hope, though the days are short and dark, that it is always darkest before the dawn.  That this great country of ours will once again find its way into the light and will keep the wolves at bay. That this land, with its soldiers abroad and...

Jesus wasn’t against bearing arms

Seeing how it is Christmas Eve, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the good book and what Jesus had to say about the use of arms. Now, a lot of people out there want to paint Jesus as some long haired hippie peacenik who was all about turning the other cheek. While it is true that He spoke of turning the other cheek, that was in regards to turning from vengeance and not that one should abandon the defense of oneself.  To turn the other cheek from small slights but not to suffer grievous wounds a second time.  Jesus never expected us to walk around like lambs waiting to be slaughtered by wolves. What he taught us was that we shouldn’t go looking for trouble, that we shouldn’t strike out with hatred in our hearts or vengeance in our mind.  That we shouldn’t be the...

It’s the end of the world as we know it…if gun grabbers have their way

Never a group to let a tragedy go to waste when they can exploit the blood of innocents for their own purposes, rabid anti gun zealots have been coming out of the woodwork recently to promote their agenda on the backs of 20 innocent children. Firstly we will start with the President.  The President who so many have defending in regards to the Second Amendment by saying he didn’t try to pass gun control in his first term so he must be pro gun. Oh, those naive fools.  How many times did I tell them that when a politician has to face a re-election he will LIE in order to get re-elected and if he doesn’t have another election then his true colors will show.  I detailed his statements and actions for the passed 20 years yet they only listened to his words from the last 8 months (minus that...

Companies knee jerk reaction to gun control hysteria

There are several corporations and companies that have decided that they will kow tow to the vocal hysteria of the gun control zealots. Dick’s Sporting goods will no longer be selling sporting rifles at their locations. Wal-Mart, while saying they will not be changing their inventory has removed the Bushmaster AR-15 from its website. has halted online sales of guns Even non gun grabbing politicians are backing away from pro gun legislation.  Michigan Governor Rick Snyder picked political expediency over common sense by vetoing a bill that, if enacted in Connecticut, may have saved a number of lives.   The bill would have gotten rid of schools illusionary gun free zone status, thereby not disarming law abiding citizens and teachers from carrying on school grounds.  Considering that criminals and lunatics don’t adhere to the GFZ to begin with, how vetoing this bill does anything for the safety of the children is beyond...

Rabid Gun Control Zealots Descend Upon Tragedy

I was on a plane for most of Friday.  I heard about the CT school shooting while talking to some fellow travelers in Chicago’s Midway Airport.  Out of respect for the victims I wanted to give it a few days before I broached any political topics in regards to the shooting at Newtown Elementary School in CT. Of course, like a pack of rabid dogs the gun control zealots descended upon the tragedy and while traipsing over the still warm bodies of children, called for the utter elimination of the 2nd Amendment. They do not highlight that the shooter was a sociopath. They do not highlight that he stole the guns. They do not highlight that CT has strict gun regulations and an assault weapons ban. No, the demonize his tool for his actions.  In truth, to hear some of them talk, it was the guns fault that he committed...

Florida loophole fear mongering debunked

Despite what rabid pittbull AG-elect Kathleen Kane of Pennsylvania might have you believe, there is no threat from the “Florida loop hole” that Bloomberg generated as a straw man. For those of you who may not be aware, citizens of states in which they are arbitrarily rejected for a carry permit (without good cause) have a back up option in applying for a Florida carry permit.  This is of great help to those who live in may-issue states or cities that make it difficult to get a permit (such as Philadelphia) in which the issuing officer may be a gun control zealot. Plus, the Florida permit is recognized in 33 states. The gun control zealots and foaming attack dogs like Kathleen Kane would have you believe that serial killers are being denied gun permits in their home states and then are flocking to Florida in order to get a permit in which they have...

And then there were none

The Illinois handgun carry ban has been struck down by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Illinois was the lone hold out banning its citizens from carrying firearms away from their homes.  I wanted to take a day and let some of the dust settle before I took a critical look at what this actually means. First of all, by no means is this a BAD thing.  So don’t think that just because it seems like I am not doing back flips it means I think the court ruling was a negative.  The court ruled that banning the carrying of a weapon is unconstitutional, and that’s good. The problem is, that unless the opponents of personal defensive carry fight on to the Supreme Court, this ruling will only have limited reach. What do I mean by that?  Well, let’s look at what roadblocks that Illinois, and by that I mean Chicago, will...

Christmas Shopping Ideas

With Christmas 2 weeks away, many people may be looking for that last gift for their gun aficionado parent, child, girlfriend, spouse etc.  I thought I would take a moment to run down some ideas you might find of interest. At 7X Leather  you can buy a variety of handmade quality leather products.  I personally have had my eye on this beauty for a while now:   It would be a great upgrade from the stretchy synthetic material on my repeater that I have now. 7X has a variety of other items from saddles to gun belts and holsters.  It may be a little late in the season for a custom job but he might have something for you in stock. But don’t feel like you need to be pigeon holed into a gun accessory.  Perhaps the person you are buying for might want a firearm themed knick-knack such as a bullet bottle...

I am not a hunter…but PETA makes me want to start

For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis you know that I do not believe that the 2nd Amendment has anything to do with hunting.  The 2nd Amendment has to do with freedom and the defense of liberty.  And I get nervous when any politician starts a sentence with something like: “I believe in the 2nd Amendment, the peoples right to hunt…” But today we’ll stick with hunting and how PETA and other such whack job organizations are pushing me toward blasting Bambi’s head off.  Venison is delicious and my father and brother are hunters so I have tasted its delicious deliciousness before. I just never felt the need to go out and get in touch with my inner Daniel Boone.  It’s not that I am squeamish about killing animals (though I draw the line at baby otters…they are just too adorable), most animals are meat and tasty ones...

Vermont bill would fine citizens for NOT having a firearm

Vermont Rep. Fred Maslack is proposing that the state not only register non-gun owners but also charge them for not having a gun.  Under Maslack’s proposal Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of traipsing about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun. This wouldn’t be the first time in America that such a law was passed.  In Kennesaw, GA, gun ownership has been mandatory since 1982 with a fine of $100 being levied for violators.  In contrast to the hysteria the gun control zealots were expounding at the time, crime was drastically lowered while the population skyrocketed. Prior to enactment of the law, Kennesaw had a population of just 5,242 but a crime rate significantly higher (4,332 per 100,000) than the national average (3,899 per 100,000). The latest statistics available – for the year 2005 – show the...

Harrison fights Costas in battle of wits…Costas is defeated since he is unarmed

For those of you who don’t know, James Harrison is a linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers and I have been a huge fan of his for years.  I have always been a fan of his hard play, his effort and his humble beginnings from undrafted rookie to AP Defensive Player of the Year.(the previous link has pics of Harrison getting some trigger time in) Now I have another reason to be a fan of the Silverback.  The normally media reclusive Harrison has come out against the nonsense that Bob Costas has been spewing this passed week.  Nonsense such as telling Bill O’Reilly that he (Costas) would rather be on the floor getting executed in the Aurora, CO movie theater rather than have a gun to defend himself. While Costas is spouting off other nonsensical anti gun propaganda about blaming inanimate objects for the criminal actions of people, James Harrison speaks from a place of intellectual authority...