While spending Christmas with family I had the chance to observe my nephew (who is 11 months old) at play. Watching him reminded me of the maturity level and well versed opinions of the majority of gun control zealots.
We were playing with blocks and all he wanted to knock down the towers no matter how well they were made or how strong their foundation. He just didn’t like the look of any tower that was made by his mom or me and as such he dictated that they must be utterly destroyed.
Much like the rabid gun control zealots like Dianne Feinstein. She wants to ban all guns, regardless of the constitutional protections provided, based on her own sense of being the center of the universe and the fact that she doesn’t like the look of them, much like my young nephew. At least he’s under a year old and has an excuse. Sen. Feinstein is 79 years old. You would think she would have learned something about being less self centered in all those years.
Also, at least my nephew wasn’t a hypocrite and only wanted towers for himself. He just didn’t want ANY towers built. I doubt Feinstein on the other hand, on top of being a CCW permit holder, is going to forgo armed security for herself or her family. I guess when you think you are privileged like Feinstein believes, you and your family are just more important than those of “regular” people.
This hypocrisy seems to extend to gun control zealots in general as I doubt that David Gregory or President Obama will call off the armed guards who protect their children while at school. Even as they mock the suggestion that armed guards at “regular” schools as silly.
Hmmm…maybe I shouldn’t say that my nephew acts like gun control zealots. He lacks the hypocrisy found in the gun control movement and he doesn’t whine or cry nearly as much as they do. Though when he drops a boom boom in his diapers it does smell like their policies suggestions.
If you want to join the fight against the gun control toddlers that want to knock down the Constitution like it were a tower of blocks they don’t like, join today.
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