Feinstein’s list of banned weapons has ballooned to a whopping 157 name brands covering some 2,200 different types of guns. This has gone beyond a simple so-called “assault weapons ban” to include rifles, shotguns and pistols.
The complete list can be found here: http://shtfplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Feinstein-Weapons-Ban.jpg
Not only is Feinstein looking to get the ball rolling on the slippery slope that is the complete removal of the 2nd Amendment from the Constitution, she has the hypocritical audacity to make sure that she and other elected officials are exempt from the legislation.
This type of aristocratic ”do as I say not as I do” bull is one of the things that found a bunch of colonists tossing off the yoke of British oppression some 200+ years ago. We are not subjects to the whims of our elected officials, to be lorded over by those who believe that there are two America’s. One in which the rules only apply to those who are not in power.
Where does Dianne Feinstein and her gun control cronies get off thinking that they can pass laws disarming the American people yet exempt themselves to laws they don’t care to follow?
That my friends, is TYRANNY. And it is the reason we have the 2nd Amendment to begin with. Who knows how many other laws that the Senator and her cadre of craven controlling con men wish to exempt themselves from once they disarm the people.
We must continue to fight to ensure that never happens lest we become a country of two America’s. One in which those in power are exempt from the law and one in which those who are not must suffer under it.
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