Posts in '1st Amendment'

A Christian Defense of the 2nd Amendment

I began to think of an attack someone made on me not too long ago, challenging my Christian faith with regards to my willingness to carry and use a gun in order to protect myself and harm another.

Lone Conservative & Bullets First Conquer Radio at Gun For Hire

Kassy Dillon and Tony Oliva of Lone Conservative and Bullets First respectively sit down with Gun for Hire Radio to discuss, dissect and dismantle the Leftist Progressive plague that has run amok in America and on our campuses. Gun for Hire Broadcast 351

Antonia Okafor Delivers Powerful 2nd Amendment Address To Liberal New England College

Bullets First had the pleasure of hitting the road this week and making our way to Mount Holyoke College to hear Antonia Okafor give a comprehensive and detailed defense of why the 2nd Amendment is for everyone not matter race, ideology, gender or location.  One place that Ms. Okafor is most adamant about where guns should be allowed are on college campuses so that women, who would otherwise be empowered to defend themselves against an attacker are not left at the mercy of those who would do them harm.

Boston Gobe: Gun Confiscation is Needed… and Impossible

The Boston Globe recent ran an article where it acknowledged the obvious: the long term goal of the gun control movement (recently relabeled as  “gun safety”), is to confiscate a large number of Americans’ firearms. The Globe has almost everything else wrong in its article, but they are honest about the desire for gun confiscation.

Texas AG Paxton: Guns in Church Part of Solution

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has stated the obvious about the mass murder at the First Baptist church in Sutherland, Texas. People who gather together will have to consider polices to defend against these mass killers. Paxton suggested that Texas consider carrying weapons to protect themselves.

Open Carry at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Dallas

At the Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in Dallas, Texas, I noticed a significant amount of the open carry of sidearms. This would not have been legal as late as December of 2015.

Church Raffle Prize For Charity Are AR-15 Rifles, Leftists Go NUTS

In a virtue signaling display common on the left, the Washington Post published an article critical of a church for raffling two rifles for charity.  Amy B. Wang, a writer for the post, made a national story of the dislike of a leftist for the raffle of two AR-15 type rifles.

9th Circuit: You Can OWN Guns But Have No Inherent Right To BUY Guns

The 9th Circuit does not think the 2nd Amendment protects the commerce of firearms.  This is one of the most blatant judicial activist gun control grabs I have seen in a while.  I shouldn’t be surprised that it comes from California, the state that banned lead ammunition.

Gun Owners of America Stands Up Where NRA Cowers Down

There are over 5 million members of the of NRA.  That is a good amount of folk.  But they are not the majority of gun owners and there is a reason that those who are not members call the NRA, the Negotiate Rights Away group.

Gun Owners, Don’t Follow The Path of the Hateful Left in Bakery Drama

I have a strong belief in a bakery business’s right to conduct said business as they see fit.  My belief would be all the stronger if the hypocrisy of the Hateful Left wasn’t so galling.  I speak a tale of two bakeries.  One, a Christian run bakery (take your pick of Oregon and Colorado) and the other an anti gun bakery in Austin Texas of all places.

Buffoon of a Professor In Texas Protests Campus Carry Law

Professor Smith went to his class last week sporting a camouflaged bulletproof vest and helmet. He said he wore it because he doesn’t feel safe.

Is This Pro 2nd Amendment Ad Inappropriate?

the following video is for Senatorial candidate Mo Brooks who is running to fill Jeff Sessions vacant seat in Alabama. I’m not going to delve into my thoughts until after the video in order for you to have a viceral initial reaction.

Anti-Second Amendment Academics Shot Down in Texas Campus Carry Case

A number of frivolous claims were offered in an attempt to stop the Texas statute allowing exercise of the Second Amendment on Campus from going into effect.

Eva Shockey Unveils Cover for Book “Taking Aim”

Huntress, social media influencer, and new author Eva Shockey unveiled the cover of her forthcoming book “Taking Aim” this evening. She is the daughter of legendary Canadian hunter Jim Shockey and co-stars on his show on The Outdoor Channel.

Media SKEWS Repeal of Gun Ban To Fit Their Agenda

So I don’t have to tell you that the mainstream media is full of it and that they will obfuscate, skew and mislead in order to further their agenda. An agenda that seems to go lock step with the likes of George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama.

If Snopes Had ANY Credibility, They Lost it Now

Snopes is the online “fact checking” site that many people turn to in order to find out whether things are true, urban legends, fake news and the like.

Gun Control Film BOMBS At Theatre, Get’s Nominated For Golden Globe

I wish I could say that I was the least bit surprised by this, but the moment I heard the premise for the film “Miss Sloane” I knew two things. First, the public does not agree agree with the radical gun control platform of Hollywood and as such are not going to be spending money to be indoctrinated and brainwashed to think otherwise.

Trump’s Speech Writer is a Second Amendment Fundamentalist

Stephan Miller has been a key figure in the Trump campaign, and is likely to be one in the Trump White House. He wrote most of Trump’s speeches after he joined the campaign from the officer of Senator Jeff sessions, in January of 2016.