A legislative committee on Monday effectively killed a bill to expand background checks for gun purchases — an issue that drew large crowds to the Capitol as well as big campaign contributions and intense lobbying and advertising.
Finally some hard hitting proof by way of the Presidential Pardons showing that progressive radicals like Obama, funded by foreigners like Soros, and backed up by billionaires like Bloomberg don’t give a rat’s ass about gun crime.
I wish I could say that I was the least bit surprised by this, but the moment I heard the premise for the film “Miss Sloane” I knew two things. First, the public does not agree agree with the radical gun control platform of Hollywood and as such are not going to be spending money to be indoctrinated and brainwashed to think otherwise.
A few weeks ago, SB2524 passed the Arizona legislature. If it had become law, and another state agreed to the compact, it would have prevented Arizona from enacting firearm transfer requirements that are more restrictive than federal law. Yesterday, 10 May, Governor Ducey vetoed the bill.
In case you were unaware, gun are loud. Suppressors lower the level of decibels that guns make and as a result protect the hearing of the shooter and those around him or her. Yet, what a suppressor does NOT do, despite what years of bad Hollywood movie making would have you believe, is SILENCE a gun.
By exploiting the death of children and misrepresenting the truth Bloomberg has had a few victories in places like Oregon where he convinced enough people to vote FOR laws that denied THEIR rights.
Gun show loophole is the buzzword that gun control zealots like to toss around to scare the uninitiated into thinking that gun shows are like dark alley gun buys out of a back of a van with tinted out mirrors.