Posts in 'Gun Control FAIL'

San Antonio Drops ShotSpotters, System not Cost Effective

The technological costs of systems such as ShotSpotters are likely to go down; but the personnel costs are likely to increase. While the system sounds plausible in theory, in SanĀ  Antonio it has not been cost effective in practice.

Is This Pro 2nd Amendment Ad Inappropriate?

the following video is for Senatorial candidate Mo Brooks who is running to fill Jeff Sessions vacant seat in Alabama. I’m not going to delve into my thoughts until after the video in order for you to have a viceral initial reaction.

D.C. Court of Appeals Strikes Down restrictive “may issue” Concealed Carry Law

A three judge panel on the D.C. Court of Appeals has struck down the District of Columbia “may issue” concealed carry law. The District of Columbia bans the open carry of firearms. With its law banning the concealed carry of firearms except in exceptionally rare cases, it has effectively banned the carry of weapons outside the home.

Will Entertainers Change Their Tune Now That Islamic Terrorism Struck At One Of Their Own?

Now that radical Islamic terrorism has struck close to home for a liberal progressive member of the entertainment elite I wonder if they will actually take a look at the world with fresh eyes instead of the shaded view seen from liberal progressive naivety and political correctness.

Arizona Confiscates guns of 8 Chinese Students Because They Got Less Expensive Hunting License

Arizona is one of the most gun friendly states in America. A Constitutional carry state freely allowing open carry with no registration scheme in place. So it was with surprise that I learned of the following story in which 8 foreign students from China who were truly enjoying the freedom here in America that would get them executed back in China were jammed up and had their firearms confiscated for apparently getting the wrong type of hunting license.

Pennsylvania Bill to Enforce Firearm Preemption Against Scofflaw Governments

The Pennsylvania legislature is aiming to enforce their strong firearms preemption law. A similar enforcement law was enacted in 2014, but was struck down in 2016.

CT: Bill to Require Carry Permit Holders to “Show Their Papers” Defeated

Second Amendment supporters won another victory, this time in Connecticut. On Thursday, 6 April, 2017, HB6200 was defeated. The bill would have required individuals who open carry handguns to present permits to law enforcement on demand.

Brazil Looks to Reform Ultra Strict Gun Laws Because of High Murder Rate

Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. It has one of the highest murder rates in the world. Some Brazilian legislators think they should respect the right of law abiding Brazilians to defend themselves.

Iowa: Just Because Gun Controllers Keep Lying Doesn’t Make It True

A recent post in the Iowa State Daily called for a complete ban of all guns. It claims that guns are not necessary in America today and the 2nd Amendment is outdated and has no relevance to modern America.

Media SKEWS Repeal of Gun Ban To Fit Their Agenda

So I don’t have to tell you that the mainstream media is full of it and that they will obfuscate, skew and mislead in order to further their agenda. An agenda that seems to go lock step with the likes of George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama.

Fight For Electronic Weapons In Maryland

Howard County lawmakers introduced an emergency bill Wednesday that would lift a ban on electronic weapons in response to a federal lawsuit that challenges the county’s longstanding restrictions on the use and sale of Tasers and stun guns.

Why I (of all people) am GRINNING that Gov. Malloy is sticking it to gun owners in Connecticut

Gov. Malloy of Connecticut is raking the gun owners of his state over the coals. After the Sandy Hook shooting Malloy was able to do what gun controllers always love doing, exploit dead children in order to shove laws down peoples throats that advance their agenda but wouldn’t have stopped the tragedy to begin with.

To Combat Roving Gangs of Rape-ugees Germans Take To Buying Guns By Mail

Hundreds of illegal guns have been sent into Germany through the postal system, with websites offering the service, to otherwise lawful citizens fearful of being gang raped by roving bands of rape-ugees.

Donald Trump Jr. Helping Lead Charge to Deregulate Gun Silencers

The eldest son of President-elect Donald Trump is partnering with SilencerCo to help deregulate gun silencers nationally.

Hey David Blaine…Shooting Yourself In The Face Is NOT a Magic Trick Dumbass

Some of you may be aware of “magician” David Blaine. I put magician in quotation marks because most of his more famous acts have very little to do with any time of illusion work and more of just him standing somewhere being looked at.

How NOT to Stop a Robbery As a Gun Owner

She wasn’t trying to hit the robbers but her reckless and idiot…warning shot?!?!?!…might have killed some innocent bystander. Apparently Burkinshaw-Stanley wanted to scare off the robbers. The robbers who I just mentioned were LEAVING anyways.

New York Woman Files Suit for Due Process when Denied Second Amendment Rights

The New York Safe Act has numerous significant flaws. It is actively being challenged in several court cases. The act was passed as an “emergency” measure without regular debate or committee hearings, in one night, under pressure from Governor Cuomo.

Top 5 Facts That Gun Control Advocates Hate

Let’s take a look at the 5 facts that Gun Control Advocates Hate. I go into further detail and explain why the gun controllers hate them so much.