I have a strong belief in a bakery business’s right to conduct said business as they see fit. My belief would be all the stronger if the hypocrisy of the Hateful Left wasn’t so galling. I speak a tale of two bakeries. One, a Christian run bakery (take your pick of Oregon and Colorado) and the other an anti gun bakery in Austin Texas of all places.
In order to apply for DACA you had to be under THRITY- ONE YEARS of age in 2012. That means that there are tens of thousands of illegal immigrants over 30 years old who are benefiting under DACA.
I did stumble across an article yesterday concerning the families of those killed by illegal immigration that wasn’t the basic Trump biased partisan hack job hit piece that the New York Times is now best known for.
The idea that the Left is Tolerant is a lie. I use the term Left to encapsulate progressives, social justice warriors, anti-capitalists etc. It is a great big lie that has been told over and over again with such vehemence that a lot of people accept it as being true. The Left is tolerant of peoples opinions…so long as those opinions agree with the agenda of the Left. If not they will try and intimidate you by harassment, bullying, violence or trying to shout you down when you try to make a point.
Finally some hard hitting proof by way of the Presidential Pardons showing that progressive radicals like Obama, funded by foreigners like Soros, and backed up by billionaires like Bloomberg don’t give a rat’s ass about gun crime.
On 14 December, 2016, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court ruling in Silvester v. Harris. The Ninth Circuit held that a 10 day waiting period was a “reasonable safety precaution”.
Snopes is the online “fact checking” site that many people turn to in order to find out whether things are true, urban legends, fake news and the like.
You may have been hearing a lot about “fake news” recently. This is mostly a ploy by whiny Hillary Clinton sore losers who can’t udnerstand why their candidate, who was absolutely awful, lost the campaign in such spectacular fashion. I mean, losing by 70+ electoral votes is a landslide.
It didn’t take long for the inner Klansman of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to come to the forefront of their racist vitriol once Dr. Ben Carson agreed to be the next Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. You see, according to Fraulein Pelosi and Herr Schumer, blacks can do anything they want…as long as they stay on the Democrat’s plantation and do as they are told by the more enlightened progressives such as they.
The State has a constitutional mandate to protect the people of the state from lower level governments. City governments are creatures of the state. Democrat party power, voter fraud, and corrupt political machines, have always been concentrated in cities.
Tim Tebow is rather an amazing human being. I’m not even talking about how he saved a man having a seizure after a recent baseball game by laying hands upon the man and saying a prayer.
With a good owner Pit Bull Terriers and Guns are no danger to anyone…other than those who might wish to do harm against their owners that is. And really…isn’t that as it should be?
State Police are actively breaking the law by having a persons LTCF disclosed to them whenever they pull over a driver. You see, a recent update to the NCIC was done that now couples the information. Only one problem…such a move is completely illegal.
At the end of the day, i’m responsible for MY life and when weighed against someone else’s, MY life matters more than theirs. My life also includes those that I love and care for because they are part of my life.
Apparently the law of the land in DC and Oregon is that if you don’t like guns you can break all the gun control laws you want.
When Rapinoe is not selling out in international games she plays for the Seattle Reign. Yesterday, the Reign played in Washington against the Spirits and Rapinoe’s continued protest of the National Anthem was undermined by the patriotic ownership of the Spirits.
Of ALL the countries in the world, the United Kingdom is second only to the United States in the exportation of small arms. The differences in how we treat our own citizens couldn’t be more diametrically opposed.
Kane, in her short, corrupt, scandal ridden tenure as attorney general made it her mission to undo and undermine every firearm reciprocity agreement the commonwealth had with other states.