Sex and Gun Control in Florida Senate

Florida State Senator Anitere Flores (R-Miami) was a staunch Second Amendment supporter. She had a 100% rating with the NRA when she was a state representative.  She was elected to the Florida Senate, representing Miami, in 2016.  She was expected to be a key vote in the Florida Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017, supporting popular gun law reform legislation.

She surprised everyone by being the key vote to kill several gun law reform bills instead of aiding their passage.  From

Steube had a small victory when the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill which would allow concealed weapons permit holders to temporarily store their firearms in courthouses, but the victory was only short-lived.

Flores, a key vote on the Judiciary Committee, vowed she wouldn’t support Steube’s 10 other bills, which means they would have virtually no chance of making it onto the Senate floor.

Flores is one of five Republicans and four Democrats on the committee, so if she votes against bills and all Democrats vote in lockstep, Steube’s gun bills would be sent to their graves early.

It seems Second Amendment Supporters are not the only people Senator Anitere Flores has betrayed. Her husband is the latest in line. She has admitted to an affair with Senate Minority Leader Oscar Braynon.   From

Two South Florida state senators went public Tuesday to acknowledge their extramarital affair as the Florida Legislature convened under a cloud of sexual impropriety that has distracted lawmakers for months.

Their statement came after a website posted video purporting to show state Sen. Anitere Flores, R-Miami, entering and leaving an apartment rented by Senate Minority Leader Oscar Braynon, D-Miami Gardens.

Flores was rumored to be considering a run for Mayor of Miami this year. Miami is a heavily Democrat city. It is unknown if Flores’ affair will help or hurt her chances of being elected Mayor.  It is unlikely she would win a Republican primary.

©2017 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. Gun Watch


Editor’s Note: I know they say that politics make strange bedfellows.  That’s an idiom not a playbook.  One can’t help but wonder if, on top of screwing over her husband, Flores screwed over the gun owners in Florida because of some pillow talk and promises made between the sheets with her anti gun lover Oscar Braynon.


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