Florida State Senator Anitere Flores (R-Miami) was a staunch Second Amendment supporter. She had a 100% rating with the NRA when she was a state representative. She was elected to the Florida Senate, representing Miami, in 2016. She was expected to be a key vote in the Florida Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017, supporting popular gun law reform legislation. She surprised everyone by being the key vote to kill several gun law reform bills instead of aiding their passage.
There are two gun control bills (annual buyback and bump stock ban) being worked through while Christie is still in office because the NJ Reichstag thinks they are mild enough to get his endorsement but once he leaves office, then the REAL gun control begins.
Gun buyback scams aren’t limited to York Pennsylvania, this is just where the most recent example of a municipality suckering people into basically giving away valuable property for a gift card not worth nearly the amount that selling the firearm would fetch if sold to a gun shop.
On 24 October, 2017, Governor Andrew Cuomo vetoed bill A. 5667A, a reform of New York State’s antiquated and misused gravity knife law. The law has been popular with almost everyone in the state but the Governor and those who are profiting off of the suffering caused by the misapplication of current law.
In June of 2016, a 53 year old truck driver, Guy A. Smith was arrested for having a loaded revolver in the cab of his truck. Smith did not have a Wisconsin concealed carry permit. He held that he did not need one.
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ban on so called “Assault Weapons” (commonly owned semi-automatic rifles) and on standard capacity magazines that hold over 10 rounds of ammunition. The petitioners in that case, Stephen V. Kolbe v. Lawrence J. Hogan, JR., have decided to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.
One of my hosts in Australia gave me a lead for a story. They knew someone with an extensive gun collection. Directions were given; the collector had been called and was waiting. A local who was known to the collector would drive me there and make introductions.
Australia has no Second Amendment, no Fourth Amendment, no Fifth Amendment, no First Amendment. There is strong tradition and law that searches shall require warrants, and that people will not be forced to testify against themselves.
Arizona is one of the most gun friendly states in America. A Constitutional carry state freely allowing open carry with no registration scheme in place. So it was with surprise that I learned of the following story in which 8 foreign students from China who were truly enjoying the freedom here in America that would get them executed back in China were jammed up and had their firearms confiscated for apparently getting the wrong type of hunting license.
An Illinois appellate court has upheld the Fourth and Second Amendments. They did so rather apologetically. The case was decided on 31 March of 2017, but the events involved occurred in 2011.
The Pennsylvania legislature is aiming to enforce their strong firearms preemption law. A similar enforcement law was enacted in 2014, but was struck down in 2016.
In a twisted sense of progressive “justice”, Democrat lawmakers in Nevada are currently looking to undermine Castle Doctrine, the protection from civil litigation if they use force against a home invader.
A California family has finally had their illegally seized firearms and ammunition returned after over a year in the courts. The collection has an estimated value of over 1 million dollars.
If you are going to Australia, do not take any airsoft guns, do not take any replica guns. Do not take a slingshot. Replica guns that do not fire anything are treated the same as real guns.
Gov. Malloy of Connecticut is raking the gun owners of his state over the coals. After the Sandy Hook shooting Malloy was able to do what gun controllers always love doing, exploit dead children in order to shove laws down peoples throats that advance their agenda but wouldn’t have stopped the tragedy to begin with.
The Hearings of the National Firearms Act of 1934 provide an immensely valuable resource in understanding the intentions of the law. It provides a good look at how the intricacies and provisions of the first really significant Federal Firearms law concerning individuals, came to be.
We brought this action on behalf of the plaintiffs to establish that the state’s restrictions on the possession and carrying of firearms by foster parents is unconstitutional under both the Second and Fourteenth amendments.
On 14 December, 2016, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court ruling in Silvester v. Harris. The Ninth Circuit held that a 10 day waiting period was a “reasonable safety precaution”.