Posts in 'Featured'

Fl: County Restores Second Amendment Rights to Employees

 The change removes the prohibition imposed on County employees by the county. County employees will now be able to carry in the same places the general public can. Commissioner Blake said that other Florida counties do not have a policy on their employees carrying defensive weapons. In the United States, anything that is not illegal, is allowed. This is the opposite of the totalitarian model, where everything that is not allowed is forbidden.

Cowardly Colorado Dems Cower In Armor Because Unhinged Dem Colleague May Shoot Them

One need look no further than the Colorado State Capitol to see why Democrats are ass backwards when it comes to the notion of guns.  You see, in Colorado there is a law that permits employees to carry guns at their place of business.  And Colorado lawmakers place of business happens to be the State Capitol.

A Christian Defense of the 2nd Amendment

I began to think of an attack someone made on me not too long ago, challenging my Christian faith with regards to my willingness to carry and use a gun in order to protect myself and harm another.

Walmart AR15 Ban May Run Afoul of Age Discrimination Laws

In the wake of the Florida school shooting and the Lefts fawning over opportunistic kids who a month ago were eating tide pods but suddenly become policy experts, Walmart has jumped on the gun control flavor of the month by barring anyone under the age of 21 the ability to purchase a firearm in their stores. There’s just one problem.  What they are doing may actually be illegal.

Losing Adult Gun Debate, Disarmament Proponents turn to Children

A standard ploy, so common it has become a joke is: “Its for the children”. This is used for every possible policy prescription. It is the standard call, and has become meaningless, because anything and everything can be construed as “for the children”.

Lone Conservative & Bullets First Conquer Radio at Gun For Hire

Kassy Dillon and Tony Oliva of Lone Conservative and Bullets First respectively sit down with Gun for Hire Radio to discuss, dissect and dismantle the Leftist Progressive plague that has run amok in America and on our campuses. Gun for Hire Broadcast 351

Perspective on WHO to Blame When A Mass Shooting Occurs (Hint – Gun Free Zones)

So called “Gun Free Zones” are anything but, yet the cronies of the gun control crowd cling to this farce like it is a magic bubble that will protect people who have otherwise been stripped of their rights to protect themselves.  So called Gun Free Zones are Criminal Empowerment Zones where a person of ill intent knows he or she can go and kill people at will without having to face any immediate consequence or interruption. 

Illinois Supreme Court Rules ban on Guns within 1000 feet of Parks Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court  of  the State of Illinois has ruled that a state ban on carrying guns within a 1,000 feet of a park is obviously unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because it “directly implicates the core right of self-defense”

Iowa Constitution Amendment to Protect Right to Arms Passes Committee

An Iowa legislator is attempting to remedy the lack of the constitutional protection.  One of the reasons Iowa does not have such a protection in its constitution, is the process to enact constitutional amendment in Iowa is extremely difficult. The resolution for the constitutional amendment has to pass the legislature, then an election must happen, then it must pass the legislature again.

Indianapolis Colts Player Killed By Immigrant Sought By ICE For Deportation

Alex Cabrera Gonsales had a retainer order placed on him by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) before the accident.  I hate calling it an accident because in truth it was a murder.  Mr. Cabrera Gonsales didn’t have a driver’s license, tried to flee the scene of the crash and had a blood-alcohol level of at least .15 according to the police.  That is TWICE the legal limit.

The Washington Post Ignores Right to Bear Arms

In an article about shall issue carry permits in Washington, D.C., the Washington Post authors, Peter Hermann and Peter Jamison, ignore half of the rights contained in the Second Amendment. It is rather odd, considering it is the main topic of their article.

Indiana Constitutional Carry Re-Introduced HB1022

Indiana Representative Jim Lucas has re-introduced a Constitutional Carry bill in the Indiana legislature.

In 2017, Lucas lead the fight to bring Constitutional Carry to Indiana. He was heavily opposed by the Indiana Media. He fought back by proposing a bill to require professional journalists to be fingerprinted and submit an application to the state to be approved for a journalist license, in order to exercise their freedom of the press. 

New Gun Owners Accounted for 40 percent of handguns purchased in California

In a study of California gun buyers, where all gun purchases are required to go through government approved gun dealers, the percentage of new gun owners varied from 32% to 40%

Alabama Constitutional Carry On The Move

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to provide that every citizen has a fundamental right to bear arms and that any restriction on this right would be subject to strict scrutiny; and to provide that no international treaty or law shall prohibit, limit, or otherwise interfere with a citizen’s fundamental right to bear arms.

March For Life, A Tale of the Girl Who Lived

For many of you, you may not realize that every year a March for Life rally takes place in Washington DC fighting for the unborn children who do not have a voice, nor a choice, in the battle over abortions.  You may not have heard of the March of Life rally because the mainstream media has long ago forfeited its soul to left wing progressive ideology and they don’t want to report that over 500,000 people gather to fight for the right to live on behalf of those who may never get the chance to.

Tip: Don’t Dare The Guy With A Gun To Shoot You

According to witnesses when the confrontation got physical, the driver of the car that Rahim hit, 25 year old Alexander Weiss pulled out his Glock 19.

This is where things get stupid.  According to RAHIM’S OWN FRIENDS who were in the car at the time, Rahim DARED Weiss to shoot him, then he spit on him.  According to Rahim’s friend who witnessed the encounter the exact phrase was: “I f***ing dare you to do it.”

Tennessee: Bill to Prohibit use of State Funds for Federal Gun Control Enforcement

Legislators in Tennessee have re-introduced bills in the House and Senate to prohibit state or local governments from using funds or personnel to implement or enforce any federal or international regulation of guns, ammunition, or accessories.  The bill is the same as one introduced in 2017. 

Bill Introduced to Repeal Colorado Restrictions on Magazine Capacity

Republicans in the Colorado Senate have introduced a bill to repeal the limits placed on magazine capacity in 2013. Here is the summary of SB18-052:

The bill repeals statutory provisions: