On 27 February, 2016, Brett Sanders was arrested while openly carrying a firearm in Texas. He had refused to show the officers of the Southlake, Texas, Police Department, any identification or a Texas carry permit. Brett Sanders is an open carry and liberty activist.
NYPD police officer, Peter Liang, fired blindly into a dark stairwell because he got scared when he heard a noise and killed resident Akai Gurley in 2014.
Officer Figueroa made a routine traffic stop of a Dodge Ram and upon exciting his vehicle came out spraying pepper spray at passing motorcyclists who were simply riding by.
Tiffanie Hupp jumps in front of a Troopers gun in order to protect her dog, who was chained up and wagging his tail, from being executed.
The lawmakers of West Virginia stood their ground in the face of Gun Control Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto attempt to ground the 2nd Amendment under heel.
in New Jersey, cops are supposed to be special and get a CCW rubber stamped whereas the normal peons of that state must either be rich or well connected to have any good chance of being allowed to exercise their rights.
In case you were unfamiliar with the term, SWATing is the nefarious act of calling the police on a unsuspecting and innocent person and telling the police that something criminal and immediately dangerous is taking place at their location.
New laws are taking effect this week in Lowell that will require applicants for unrestricted handgun licenses to state in writing why they should receive such a license. Basically, write an essay pleading with “THE MAN” as to why they should deem to let you simple peons to exercise your right to keep and bear arms.
A grandmother and granddaughter were enjoying a nice afternoon at home. That is before squad of shocktroopers from the local SWAT team shattered the front door and tossed in a couple of flash-bang grenades.