Ted Cruz Is Not Finished Yet

Bullets First Contributer Gabriella Hoffman was recently featured in an article for the Blaze asking for her stance on the state of the Cruz campaign.  Cruz, a staunch 2nd Amendment Candidate with the backing of the Gun Owners of America is also endorsed by Hoffman


Gabriella Hoffman, a Cruz supporter and conservative blogger in Virginia, isn’t sure the constant bickering will be too damaging for Cruz as “he only narrowly lost to Rubio in South Carolina and Iowa officials declared him a winner.”

“Depends on whom you talk to, but perhaps the staff change will prompt Cruz to better stay on message,” Hoffman said of Cruz’s image.

Hoffman, 24, continued to praise Cruz, saying that as he won over youth in South Carolina and Iowa, “he can genuinely appeal to young people — conservatives, libertarians, values voters and those disenchanted with big government or extreme foreign policy views.”

“If he stays on message as a constitutionalist and continues to focus, I think he will continue to perform well,” she said. “I suspect he realizes this with the recent staff change. Those writing his campaign’s obituary too soon aren’t to be trusted. Both he and Rubio are electable and fair well against either of the Democrats.”

“I hope conservatives in other camps — particularly Rubio’s camp — can come together to find a mutually agreeable solution to help defeat [GOP front-runner Donald] Trump since it’ll be a three-way race as predicted,” Hoffman continued.


More of Gabriella’s articles ranging far beyond the 2nd Amendment can be seen at her home site: thegabriellahoffman.com 


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