Joe The Plumber Moves From “Blue Collar” to Corporate VP at Liberty Alliance

Editor’s Note:  As you may be aware of Bullets First is part of the Liberty Alliance and for the fifth consecutive year, Liberty Alliance, LLC is featured on the exclusive Inc. Magazine 5000 List of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. This distinction has earned Liberty Alliance special recognition on Inc. Magazine’s Honor Roll as a Five-Time Honoree.  

DALLAS, Ga., Oct. 11, 2016 – Joe Wurzelbacher, better known as “Joe the Plumber,” is stepping into a new position at Liberty Alliance, LLC as Vice President of Public Relations. Wurzelbacher emerged on the public scene in 2008, when a chance encounter on his front lawn with then presidential candidate Barack Obama, offered him the opportunity to question his tax-and-spend Socialist philosophy. This meeting broadcast around the world changed Wurzelbacher’s life, gaining him national attention and followers as “Joe the Plumber,” a straight-talking, blue-collar, middle class, hard-working American.

“I’m very excited to be part of Liberty Alliance,” states Wurzelbacher. “Liberty Alliance is a forward thinking company when it comes to social media, helping people develop ideas and working with them to be successful through building websites, content management, brand building and advertising.”

Dedicated to advancing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty Alliance is one of nation’s fastest-growing private media companies with nearly 1 billion page views in the last year (over 100 million page views per month on more than 80 websites). Wurzelbacher’s website Joe For America has been a member since January 2013.

Liberty Alliance Founder and President Brandon Vallorani states, “Joe Wurzelbacher’s conservative convictions run deep. Since personally confronting Obama in 2008, Joe has taken his place on the national stage advocating small government and freedom for all Americans. It’s an honor to have him represent our company.”

Touring and speaking at hundreds of events across the country, Wurzelbacher has stood beside Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Mike Huckabee, addressing issues facing our nation as the voice for the everyman American.

Wurzelbacher grew up in Toledo, Ohio, enlisting in the United States Air Force after high school looking for adventure, a career, and way to serve his country. During his service he learned practical skills including plumbing, which was his vocation in 2008. Since hitting the public spotlight, he has run for political office and worked in communications.

“I have turned down a lot of offers throughout the years, but when it came to Liberty Alliance it was a no-brainer,” states Wurzelbacher. “Liberty Alliance is a big family with a lot of integrity, honor and loyalty to their customers. They will not compromise their values, meaning their ‘word’ actually means something in the business world. And anyone that know me, knows that my word is very important to me.”


To schedule an interview with Wurzelbacher, contact


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