Antonia Okafor is the Pistoleer Princess of the Midwest, NRA instructor and all around advocate of the 2nd Amendment. We have documented her steps in attaining her dream of competing in the Miss USA pageant and for any who saw her and for those who know her, no one was disappointed with her effort.
Try to sit still and pay attention, because some folks will tell you otherwise about what happened, but they have their own reasons and I have mine, and mine are right and theirs are wrong. After you hear the true story of what happened with the wolves on Dog Island, you’ll understand why you should never forget it.
Most likely you have heard the Christmas Song, “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”, I give you Hillary Got Run Over By A Trump Train. Enjoy.
This is what the taxpayers of Palm Springs, and to a larger extent the taxpayers of California pay for on the West Coast….replacing racist trees with not racist trees.
Antonia has embarked on her journey and Bullets First is going to chronicle her exploits as she pursues her goal of winning that crown. Antonia enlisted the help of LA based makeup artist, hair stylist and photographer Austin Ryde and the results were rather stunning.
The premise is basically straightforward, the folks at ERB take two figures from history, be they conquerors, statesmen, military leaders, philosophers, entertainers etc and stage a modern day rap battle between the two.
Antonia Okafor is beautiful, well spoken, talented intelligent and friendly. If there are more things that a future Miss USA needs to be I don’t know them. Antonia is also tough as nails and a lover of both this country and the 2nd Amendment that protects the liberties and freedoms we enjoy.
Sometimes one just needs to take a second to sit back and have a good ole laugh at some bumbling criminal scumbag shooting himself in the groin.
John McEnroe was giving an interview and the topic of Serena Williams came up. Johnny Mac agrees completely that she is the best women’s player in the world. But the interviewer, Lulu Garcia-Navarro takes issue with the quantification of “best female” player and wants McEnroe to admit to her that Serena Williams is the best tennis player in the world bar none. That’s ridiculous and McEnroe didn’t have any problem saying so.
I follow Ted Cruz on twitter. When I started it wasn’t bad, but not Earth shatteringly memorable. Well…that ALL changed with the new year. I am going to say that Ted Cruz has been on FIRE in recent months with his Twitter feed.
To say the Grammys is a festering cesspool of venomous progressives and intolerant liberals would be an understatement. To bring light to the fact that it turned out to be a giant circle jerk to bash Trump and all things American is not really going to shock anyone either as it has been nothing but a love fest for the likes of Obama and Hillary for years.
Spanish Flu was the one of the worst global biological pandemics of all time, though it is often overshadowed by the end of WWI. A quick rundown of the impact of Spanish Flu on the world; Spanish Flu ran its course between January of 1918 and December of 1920. One place stayed safe thanks to the courage of its leader to shut down the border to keep his people safe. A lesson to learn from.
January 29, 2017, marked 80 years since Ducks Unlimited (DU) was formally incorporated. DU focuses on the following conservation tactics: restoring grasslands, replanting forests, restoring watersheds, working with landowners, working with partners, acquiring land, conservation easements, management agreements, and Geographic Information Systems.
Some of you may be aware of “magician” David Blaine. I put magician in quotation marks because most of his more famous acts have very little to do with any time of illusion work and more of just him standing somewhere being looked at.
South Dakota is the state with the second highest percentage of concealed carry permits of the adult population in the United States. South Dakota has about 654,285 adults 18 or over. If that number holds (estimated for July, 2016), the percentage of adults in South Dakota with active concealed carry permits is slightly over 14.8 percent.
Millions of Americans tune to HGTV every Tuesday to watch Fixer Upper with Chip and Joanna Gaines. Why? The Waco, Texas-based couple has a keen eye for design, provides family-friendly content, and is largely successful in their trade.
I have been laughing throughout the election cycle because of the memes in this list and those like them. Because at the end of the day, sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.
Fall in Virginia is officially here! Chillier temperatures, foliage change, and shorter days are upon us. However, that doesn’t mean life is over.