So regardless of how polarizing this election can be, how vicious and violent the progressive left gets, or how friends are breaking off relationships due to differing ideologies at least their is one bastion of humor in the sea of madness…the meme. What better way to share funny memes but by a Top Ten List.
I have been laughing throughout the election cycle because of the memes in this list and those like them. Because at the end of the day, sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.
Without further ado, I give you the 2016 Top Ten Election Memes. Enjoy.
Honorable Mention:
I start with this one because as you may have heard the incumbent Congressman from NY’s 18th District sent a stalker to harass and intimidate his opponents wife. The stalker cat fished her online and showed up at their house while her husband, Phil Oliva was out. It was just her and her 3 children under the age of 5 being stared at through a window. Maloney NEVER apologized for it. This meme highlights the view of women.
Honorable Mention:
Hope you enjoyed my top ten list. Share amongst your friends who could use the laugh.
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