Posts in 'Real tales of self defense'

Fl: County Restores Second Amendment Rights to Employees

 The change removes the prohibition imposed on County employees by the county. County employees will now be able to carry in the same places the general public can. Commissioner Blake said that other Florida counties do not have a policy on their employees carrying defensive weapons. In the United States, anything that is not illegal, is allowed. This is the opposite of the totalitarian model, where everything that is not allowed is forbidden.

Tip: Don’t Dare The Guy With A Gun To Shoot You

According to witnesses when the confrontation got physical, the driver of the car that Rahim hit, 25 year old Alexander Weiss pulled out his Glock 19.

This is where things get stupid.  According to RAHIM’S OWN FRIENDS who were in the car at the time, Rahim DARED Weiss to shoot him, then he spit on him.  According to Rahim’s friend who witnessed the encounter the exact phrase was: “I f***ing dare you to do it.”

Mass Shooting Wannabe Shot By Legal Gun Owners

Chief Joseph P. LaSata of the Rockledge Police Department, made clear the intervention of the armed citizens was responsible for stopping the murderer.  Two employees were shot, one killed, in the parking lot. Then two armed employees intervened.

Man vs Wild: Mountain Lion Comes At Armed Deer Hunter

He turned to his left, and saw an adult mountain lion up hill from him, and less than 20 feet away. As he shouldered his rifle, the mountain lion hissed and took two steps toward him.

Sad Example of How Media Twists Perception In Justified Self Defense

Many self defense shootings are not reported in the media. Many are not entered as justified homicides in the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). A self defense shooting, which included a justified homicide, occurred in the 800  block of Waugoo Avenue, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,at night, on November 5th, 2017.

PETA Rejoices: Bear Spray Works, Bear Uninjured, Hunter Gets Mauled (Graphic Image)

The hunter had a rifle, but chose to use bear spray instead. He got ready for the bear with the bear spray. The bear came back.

The Media’s Ridiculous Reaction In The Week Since Texas Church Shooting (Video)

In the five days since the Texas Church shooting the Mainstream Media, aka Fake News Suppliers, has run the full gambit of pearl clutching shock, to ignorantly talking about firearms without having any idea, to trying to speak about the law in the same manner a gorilla tries to use a computer.

Texas AG Paxton: Guns in Church Part of Solution

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has stated the obvious about the mass murder at the First Baptist church in Sutherland, Texas. People who gather together will have to consider polices to defend against these mass killers. Paxton suggested that Texas consider carrying weapons to protect themselves.

Private Security Guard stopped the Las Vegas Mass Killing (graphic photo)

A heroic security guard was ahead of the police. Three cameras had been placed by the mass killer. Two were in the hallway, one in the room looking out the peephole. The guard was advancing toward the room when he was shot. The shooting stopped, just after the security guard was shot.

Woman Fired From Circle K For Shooting Armed Robber

Jennifer Wertz is a mother of three young children.  She works at a Circle K gas station in order to support her family.  And when a man came in and threatened her life, and by extension the lives of her three children, she did what any sensible woman would have done…she shot him in the chest.

More Realtors Carry Guns for Safety

In 2014 real estate agent Beverly Carter was kidnapped and murdered. The crime made national news.  The president elect of the National Association of Realtors vowed to make safety a priority.

Another Bear Spray Failure (Warning: Graphic Images)

Another case of bear spray failure occurred in Montana on September 4th at about 8 a.m.  The bear charged through bear spray to get at Tom Sommers.

JUSTICE: Man who Used AK-47 Clone to Defend Self, Children, Found Not Guilty

Unless you have the means to enforce said restraining order in your own defense, it’s about as effective as a gun free zone sign.

Hurricane Katrina aftermath was MUCH worse than Hurricane Harvey. Why? Gun Control (video)

Hurricane Harvey rolled into Houston much in the same way that Katrina did to New Orleans almost to the day 12 years ago. The difference in aftermath is telling. They do things a little more difference in the Lone Star state, starting with, you keep your guns.

61-Year-Old Musician with Carry Permit, Stops Big Teen Robber (Video)

On July 30, 2017, a 61-Year-Old, mild mannered musician, Darius Summers, walked down to the local gas station for a cup of coffee. He had recently obtained a concealed carry permit. Darius is not a large man.

Requiring CCW for Employees: A Smart Move

Employees with a concealed carry permit are a deterrent to robbery and physical attacks on the business premises. This may seem obvious, but you will find many who claim, without support, that it is not so. Having more than one employee armed at a location makes it an extremely unattractive target.

JUSTICE: 3 Dead and 1 Arrested as Burglars Chose Wrong House to Try and Victimize

The AR-15 saved the day and levied out some instant justice and karma. One can only imagine the outcome had this been in a state that doesn’t so freely recognize the individuals right to keep and bear arms and would have justice denied in a pool on innocent blood.

Let victims of domestic violence conceal carry in Virginia

Victims of domestic violence deserve choices when it comes to self-defense. How can relying on a restraining order protect someone against attacks when it’s rendered useless outside of the courtroom?