Posts in 'Real tales of self defense'

Kansas Supreme Court Upholds Separation of Powers at Self Defense Hearings

The Kansas Supreme Court held that courts are independent of the state’s executive branch, when ruling on immunity from prosecution for self defense.

Situational Awareness: Clerk has gun Ready When Robber Points Pistol (video)

In this interesting video of an attempted robbery, the clerk’s situational awareness allows him to respond quickly. The clerk is suspicious of the customer coming in the door with his hand hidden.

Sheriff Offers Victim a Gun, Gun Shop Gives a .38

As Sheriff of Telfair County, I am sworn to serve and protect our citizens, and I can assure you that after today, this “Telfair County Citizen” will again have a weapon and be fully equipped to defend himself if need be, even If I have to give him one of my own!

USA Today Distorts Truth To Make Gun Owner Hero Seem Nefarious

USA Today and other liberal rags and media don’t want you to associate guns with lawful uses of defense so they twist and distort the facts…or outright lie in order to make the public at large associate anything to do with firearms as bad.

Motorcycle Hijacker Gets What’s Coming To Him Via Instant Karma (Video)

You have a biker riding around in Brazil with his helmet cam on when Johnny Scumbag comes rolling up (with his cohort) on our cameraman and sticks a gun into his face and tries to hijack his ride. I don’t know about you but, to me, what follows next is hilarious.

“Tolerant” Lefty Leaves Protest Bleeding From Gun Shot Wound After Attacking Gun Owner

The idea that the Left is Tolerant is a lie. I use the term Left to encapsulate progressives, social justice warriors, anti-capitalists etc. It is a great big lie that has been told over and over again with such vehemence that a lot of people accept it as being true. The Left is tolerant of peoples opinions…so long as those opinions agree with the agenda of the Left. If not they will try and intimidate you by harassment, bullying, violence or trying to shout you down when you try to make a point.

Mattis Wastes No Time On First Day; Bombs ISIS Thirty-One Times

On his first workday, Secretary of Defense James Mattis wasted no time by dropping the bomb on ISIS. Well, actually it was 31 sorties of bombs and he was droppin em like they was hot.

Milwaukee Police Chief Right: CCW Justifiable Shooting Increases Homicide Numbers

Milwaukee Chief Flynn seems to prefer that the innocent 36-Year-Old Milwaukee resident be a good little victim, and submit to whatever the teen criminals demand of him. The good citizens of Milwaukee disagree.

Ohio Takes Baby Steps To Protect Students As Kasich Signs Campus Carry Into Law

Gun free zones attract criminals like flames attract moths. Time and again we have seen people led like lambs to the slaughter, unable to defend themselves because of some asinine notion that a sign that says “No Guns Allowed” will do ANYTHING but stop law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.

Street Cop reveals Positive attitude toward Armed Victims

My sergeant and I interviewed the homeowner, assuring him his actions resulted from fearing for his life against serious bodily injury or death. A responding investigator queried as to whether we had “coached” the victim. But our position was more about the proper assimilation of facts and fears than dishonest motives. No point in the victim being a victim… twice.

Tip of the Cap to SAS Sniper on his 100th ISIS Kill

He is a sniper with Britain’s Special Air Service (SAS), the UK’s equivalent to the US Delta Force. This sniper is a veteran in both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but has been planting ISIS fighters by the dozens in recent months.

MO: Bill Introduced to Hold Gun Free Zone Owners Liable for Damages

The proposal, known as House Bill 96, which would apply when a person who is authorized to carry a firearm, is prohibited from doing so by a business and is then injured by another person or an animal.

Armed Man, Mark Plaskett, busts Car Burglary Ring after Shots Fired

It was before dawn on Sunday morning , 27 November, 2016, in Fountain, Colorado. Mark Plaskett was wakened by his garage door opening. It was 5 a.m. He grabbed his pistol and a flashlight and responded.

MI: Rifle in Bedroom Beats Knife at Throat

Two masked intruders had silently entered the house. They demanded money and guns. Then they tried to force him into the bathroom. That was not a good sign. He told them that they would never find the money without him.

AMAZING who parents of degenerate armed robber blame for his death

You see, it wasn’t THEIR fault that Michael Jr was armed and tried robbing a Pizza Hut he previously worked at. It wasn’t HIS fault that he took a weapon in and tried to steal by force.

Huma Abedin’s Father Wrote that the U.S. was wrong to Defend its People from Barbary Pirates in 1801-1805

The United States first foreign war was against the Barbary Coast Pirates from 1801-1805. Just as they had done for a thousand years, the Islamic states on the coast of North Africa knew that Allah gave them the right to attack any non-Muslim shipping and enslave any non-Muslims that they could reach.

Interview Video of Chinese Woman who Repelled 3 Home Invaders in Atlanta

Just before 4 a.m. on 16 September, 2016, in Georgia, Gwinnet County a courageous Chinese immigrant drove off three home invaders. It was all captured on surveillance video. The event went viral; not in the United States, but in China. Chen Fengzu gave this interview to China Central Television.

Chinese Heroine Drives off 3, Kills one, 2nd Time She Shot Pistol (video)

Anyone considering the proposed ban on “Large Capacity Magazines” would do well to notice that Chen Fengzu shot her pistol empty, but did not seem to notice. It might have been a critical difference if there had been four intruders, or if they had not fled so quickly. A pistol with an 11-20 shot standard magazine would have given her more defensive flexibility.