Posts in 'schools'

Texas: No Incidents at UTEP wih two months of Campus Carry

Claster contacted the University to find out if anything has happened regarding Campus Carry, or if there have even been any calls to campus police since August 1. UTEP officials sent her a statement reading, “There have not been any reported gun-related incidents, or calls since SB11 went into effect.”

Most Floridians Favor Armed Teachers and Staff in Schools

Most Floridians say they support trained staff carrying firearms on school campuses, according to a new survey released Tuesday.

Texas Profs Try To Break Law and Trample Rights Using First Amendment Argument

University of Texas professors Mia Carter, Jennifer Glass and Lisa Moore decided to try and squash the will of the people and the Constitution by suing the University and the state of Texas in Federal court.

TN: Campus Carry Becomes law Without Governors Signature

Campus Carry for employees of public institutions of higher learning has become law in Tennessee, without Governor Bill Haslam’s signature. In the State of Tennessee, a bill becomes law if the Governor does not sign or veto it in ten days.

Emory University Has Gone From Higher Education To Glorified Day Care Center

Well, the bed wetting, panties in a twist, suck your thumb and cry for mommy bar has been raised at Emory thanks to a word and a number. Trump 2016

Guns Don’t Kill Free Speech On College Campuses…Liberals Do

It’s disheartening to see what has become of college campuses around the nation in the few years since I left the hallowed hall of the Cathedral of Higher Learning. Free speech is dying…but it’s not because of guns.

Interview with 2nd Amendment Defender Antonia Okafor

Antonia Okafor is someone you need to familiarize yourself with if you haven’t already. A native of Texas, Antonia currently serves as the Southwest Director of Students for Concealed Carry

No call for universal background checks for knives after mass stabbings in California?

You never hear anyone calling for universal background checks for knives nor do we see many signs indicating a knife free zone. The reason has nothing to do with reducing violent crimes.

FL Rep Has Sites Set on Ending Criminal Empowerment Zones on College Campuses

On August 3rd, Florida State Rep. Greg Stuebe (R) of Sarasota introduced legislation that would allow the concealed carry of firearms on college campuses.

School Moves to Become Big Brother and Ban Off Campus Activities like Squirt Guns

Once again a educational institution is taking it upon themselves to promote the irrational mouth breathing stance against guns OFF campus. As you may have recalled I wrote an article some time ago about 3 high school students who recieved year long suspensions for playing with airsoft guns AT HOME. You can read the article here: Playing with toy guns AT HOME gets 3 students yearlong suspension from school It looks like Cumberland High School in Rhode Island is looking to hop on the Big Brother bandwagon and ban what students do on their own time off campus. The activity in question is called “Senior Assassin” and is quite simply a cat and mouse squirt gun fight. A group of students get squirt guns and hunt each other (I reiterate, OFF CAMPUS on their OWN TIME), the last kid dry wins. This is a game I played when I was...

Gun Free Zone Succeeds Again in Helping Criminal Murder Unarmed Victim

I wonder if it surprises anyone anymore, I mean really surprises them, when a shooting takes place in a gun free zone.  Because if it does they must either be completely delusional or haven’t been paying attention. GUN FREE ZONES are CRIMINAL EMPOWERMENT ZONES! Such is the case in the recent tragedy that took place at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, North Carolina.  No doubt the intelligentsia of this little Community College patted themselves on the backs and were toasted by their gun hating brethren in academia when they decided to deny the law abiding the right to defend themselves while on campus. The gun haters can even try to persuade us of their being magnanimous because gun owners can keep a gun locked in their cars in the parking lot, but that does little good for anyone in a class or the bathroom who finds themselves staring down the...

Brown University Student Spews Hatred Toward the ROTC

Misunderstanding the term  “Liberal” Arts, Brown University student Peter Makhlouf ’16 took his own biases and hatred to the extreme in a column he wrote for the University’s paper, The Brown Daily Herald.  The target of Makhlouf’s ire…the ROTC program. Basically Makhlouf’s column calls for the University to ban all ROTC activities from campus.  So much for the notion of the free exchange of ideas and freedom to choose.  Makhlouf is of the liberal ilk that believes that everyone has the right to do as they please, so long as they agree with him. From his article: “It’s a bit disillusioned to think that Brown students should be exposed to every potential career — even more unthinkable to assume that they should be exposed to all potential military careers.” So yeah, according to Makhlouf, if you want to be a Community Organizer, a Communist Philosopher or a lawyer defending NAMBLA...

Concealed Carry Can Help Reduce Sexual Assault at Universities

In a time where sexual assault is on the rise at American universities, it’s important to curb this trend by effective means. How can universities best address and eradicate the threat of sexual assault on campus? Allow concealed carry on campus. Seven states–Wyoming, Montana,Florida, Texas, Indiana, North Dakota, and now South Dakota–are considering legislation to permit concealed carry at universities. As more Americans channel support for gun rights over gun control, legislation to repeal gun-free zones and permit concealed carry should be deliberated in more states. Universities are gun-free zones, which make them prime targets for criminals. Evidence shows that gun-free zones don’t deter crime; they enable them. No sign will stop a criminal; a good guy/girl with a gun will. When young women and men are allowed to practice concealed carry on campus, they-not administrators or bureaucrats–are in control of their own lives. Concealed carry is effective because...

New Documentary Exposes Dangers of Gun-Free Zones

Gabriella Hoffman is a guest contributor to, renowned public speaker and the creator and editor of her own successful site: All-American Girl for the Restoration of Values Las Vegas, Nevada — The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)’s 37th annual SHOT Show conference is underway here in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over 60,000 people are estimated to be in attendance. People from all sectors of the gun industry are here. One of NSSF’s goals is to educate the populace about the Second Amendment. Due to constant misinformation, the gun industry is unfairly targeted. One common misconception anti-gunners spread is gun-free zones stop crime. Quite the contrary. As a result,  a new documentary from Outdoor Channel is seeking to expose how dangerous gun-free zones are. Yesterday, I attended an exclusive screening of “Safe Haven: Gun-Free Zones in America” at SHOT Show. News Editor and Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich teamed up with...

Zero Tolerance Run Amok: Piece of Brass Gets Child 6 Month Suspension

In yet another example of hysterical political correctness knee jerk reactions, a student at a Kansas elementary school was suspended for six months because he happened to pick up a piece of spent brass that his mom had expended the day before. From Liberty Unyielding: The student, Camron Carlson, picked the casing up off the ground and placed it in his pocket when he accompanied his mother who was sighting in a rifle the day before, according to The Chanute Tribune. “Our family does a lot of deer hunting,” Camron’s grandmother, Mary Sue Carlson, told the Tribune. “This is hunting country.” Camron said that the following day it fell out of his pocket as he was leaving the restroom at school. Another student took notice and reported the incident to a teacher. Camron was eventually called into the principal’s office, which in turn called the boy’s mother, Deana Carlson....

Pro Abortion Radical Wants To Ensure Children Aren’t Protected Even After Birth

As if anyone really needed more evidence that gun control zealots don’t give a damn about safety or preventing violence but really just want to CONTROL people, I give you Anna Eskamani.  Eskamani is a your general all around liberal true believer. A self proclaimed, “Organizer, Writer and Feminist”, Eskamani has a extensive history of fighting for abortions being the Regional Manager for Florida Planned Parenthood PAC, the Director of External Affairs for Greater Orlando Planned Parenthood and the former Young Leaders Advisory Council Leadership Chair for Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  Suffice it to say that Anna Eskamani believes in abortion. Coincidentally enough, since Ms Eskamani doesn’t believe in protecting the life of unborn children viewpoint has recently evolved to ensuring that children who are born also are denied protection. I’m referring to a recent article that Eskamani penned for the Central Florida Future. In it Eskamani vehemently comes out...

Why you need a gun in college: NY pushes to welcome felons to college, no questions asked

NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is conducting the Political Correct Train all the way to Crazytown.  The AG has begun pressuring colleges around the state to stop asking if applicants have ever been arrested or convicted of a felony. Apparently, asking that question makes you a racist institution.  Because, why would a college possibly want to know if a convicted rapist was applying to their school?  According to Schneiderman that should not have any factor in the school’s decision making process.   Ironic that Schneiderman assumes that black people commit all the crimes and thereby in his rationale asking the question is detrimental to blacks.  That just makes it seem that Herr Schneiderman is a big ole closet racist. But I digress, our friends at Liberty Unyielding have dissected Schniderman’s stated stance: Meanwhile, Schneiderman claims that the question of whether one has been arrested or convicted of a crime...

School Principal Arming Up to Protect His Students

Instead of putting his faith in imaginary magic force-fields generated by “gun free zone” signs, a school principal in Ohio is utilizing the opportunity provided him to do something that would actually make a difference in protecting his students. In Trenton Ohio, Edgewood High School Principal  Russ Fussnecker has decided to take advantage of the law that gives him an ability to carry a firearm while at work.  While Fussnecker is a gun owner, he still needs his Concealed Weapons permit and then undergo special training in order to be allowed to carry while on school grounds. The special training will be provided by the Butler County Sheriff’s department and upon successful completion, Fussnecker will earn the certification necessary to carry a loaded firearm into public school buildings. When asked about his reasoning, Fussnecker stately plainly the difficulties are in regards to outsiders with malicious intent entering his school:...