“So we want to protect our military. We want to make our military stronger and better than it’s ever been,” Trump continued in the speech, in which he also renewed his call for allowing trained teachers and military retirees to carry concealed weapons in schools.
On his first workday, Secretary of Defense James Mattis wasted no time by dropping the bomb on ISIS. Well, actually it was 31 sorties of bombs and he was droppin em like they was hot.
If they want to be bitter more power to them because frankly, they deserve the right to feel however the hell they want and Obama can go to hell if he wants to try and strong arm these heroes into feeling anything different.
He is a sniper with Britain’s Special Air Service (SAS), the UK’s equivalent to the US Delta Force. This sniper is a veteran in both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but has been planting ISIS fighters by the dozens in recent months.
General Petraeus has teamed up with Mark Kelly and his radical anti gun wife Gabrielle Giffords to co-found the “Veterans Coalition for Common Sense.” Namely an organization that tries to use this country’s love and respect for its veterans to shred and disregard the Bill of Rights that those same veterans sacrificed so much for in order to defend.
In February of this year, the VA Inspector General report found that some veterans who were in desperate need of help called the VA Suicide Hotline only to find that their calls went to voicemail or never received immediate action
Over the course of 8 hours, the Battle of Antietam was over and around 23,000 soldiers lay dead or wounded or they were missing. The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest single day battle in American history.
Earlier this month the head honchos of the Air Force sent out a letter to all base commanders informing them that they can allow service members to carry their own personal sidearms while on base, whether on duty or not, in uniform or out.